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Old 05-01-2003, 07:25 PM   #265
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Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 892
Eruwen has just left Hobbiton.

Eruwen walked into the Grand Hall alone. She was checked for weapons at the door to which she thought, I am an Elf, coming to a party, definitly not dressed to be fighting, and he checks me for weapons? What would the point of this be?

The weapon check soon abandoned her mind when she entered the actual room. Her eyes widened quickly as she saw the large amount of people already at the party. Eruwen tucked her long, dark hair behind the pointed, Elven ears of her kin and walked forward.

I seem to be a...little late she thought slipping her way over to what seemed to be one of the only empty tables left in the room. She scanned the room silently.

Hmm... she thought once more. There's Diamond, Sauce Pan Man, Amanaduial, Lush, Pio, Mithaden, Frodo...wait...Frodo? Frodo Baggins has returned!

Not thinking a bit except for the excitement that the member had returned, Eruwen ran over to his table.

"Frodo!" she yelled approaching. "I can't believe you're back! Samwise and I talk about your disappearance often. Oh, Samwise will be so excited to see you again."

Eruwen looked around the room quickly. "Is Samwise even here yet?"

Frodo, trying to comprehend all of the Elven maiden's words at once, shook his head.

"No, I havn't seen Samwise," he replied.
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