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Old 10-17-2003, 03:22 PM   #287
Pile O'Bones
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 10
Elsilda has just left Hobbiton.

"Good day, can I get you anything, miss...?" the beautiful young woman said. Elsilda smiled and said "Elsilda. My name is Elsilda. Could I have an ale and...lets see...have you any cheesecake?" Elsilda loved cheesecake and ale, back in Imladris her mother made her cheesecake often. Elsilda thought back, she missed her mother and her friends. The young woman smiled at her again "I'll see what I can do - I believe Cook made some very recently - there's going to be a bit of a party pretty soon. Hang on a second," the young woman exclaimed. Elsida loved parties, the fancy dress the food and the wonderful joy in the air. She hadn’t been to a party in a while.

Aman called over a hobbit and ordered a slice of cheesecake and ale. The young woman looked at Elsilda, they were both in deep thought. "My name is Aman, by the way - I'm the Innkeeper here at the Dragon. May I ask how you came around this area? More and more of the fair folk are passing through...." the young woman said.
“I am from Imladris and I am heading towards the Grey Havens,” Elsida said. Aman kept looking at her blue eyes, many were amazed by them. The servent brought some cheesecake over. Elsilda took a sip of her ale and ate a piece of cheesecake. She smiled “oh, this cheesecake is devine!” she loved the cheesecake it tasted like her mothers, maybe even better. Aman smiled “everyone loves the cakes we serve and the cheesecake a chocolate cake are the favourites around here” she said. Elsida ate the cheesecake and was soon finished. “Thank you, it was perfect” Elsida exclaimed. “This is a lovely Inn you run. I passed some strange folk on the way, do they stay here by any chance?” Elsilda enquired.

[ October 17, 2003: Message edited by: Elsilda ]

[ October 17, 2003: Message edited by: Elsilda ]
"Tolkien makes the world go round"
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