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Old 06-20-2002, 06:39 AM   #16
Ghastly Neekerbreeker
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: the banks of the mighty Scioto
Posts: 1,751
Birdland has just left Hobbiton.

Birdland brushes off her skirt and offers a clumsy curtsey to the noble (she assumes, since most people who speak like Gandalf would be considered noble) Grey Wanderer.

"Hail and well-met, Gandalf the Grey!" (Birdie had heard an elf say that once, and always liked the sound of it.)

I am a humble "skin-changer", raised by the Beorning, but leaving in disgrace when it was discovered I could not "do" bear.

Now most would think that skin-changing would be a marvelous way to make a living, but it hasn't turned out that way for poor ol' Birdie. I can morph into a small black and white crow (good for delivering messages), a small Neekerbreeker (a fine way to watch things unobserved) or a 50' Mulberry Ent (great for seeing long distances, or if you're in the mood for mulberries)

In my last adventure, I was dropped in seawater, and discovered that I could morph into a dolphin. But that wouldn't be much help around here.

But the demand for skin-changing abilities are few and far between, so I can also wash dishes, chop wood, clean stables, and - well - borrow, small, unwatched things. I have a sling! Great for hunting coneys. And my own traveling pack, with a waterbag, cooking gear, flint and steel. I'm all ready!

Now mostly I tend to avoid great people like Elves, Rangers and such, since such folk tend to attract wars and battles like a dog attracts fleas. But to travel with such a wise and erudite Wizard such as yourself would be a wonderful thing. And maybe you can tell me if you've ever found other skin-changers like me?

I know lots of old songs. I can tell some great stories. And I hardly ever, ever steal from my traveling companions. Please, won't you pick me up on the road and take me with you? Please?????
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