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Old 05-31-2002, 09:20 PM   #679
Ghastly Neekerbreeker
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: the banks of the mighty Scioto
Posts: 1,751
Birdland has just left Hobbiton.

Birdie was in the middle of a beautiful nap, after stuffing herself silly at the buffet, and downing a couple of three ales. (Sorry guys. I was sick as a dog for three days and my imagination buttons weren't working.)

Suddenly she was awakened abruptly by the startling re-appearance of Mithadan, who kicks her feet off the table.
"Oh, look who shows up NOW!. Mr. I'm-Number-Four-On-The-Board takes a 'vacation' just when Morgoth shows up."

"I purchased those tickets months in advance" he replied loftily. "Here. Take this." He shoves the suddenly resurrected laptop into Birdie's arms. "The party's not over yet, I'm afraid."

"Hey! How did you get this thing repaired so fast?

"Never mind that. Child and Pio will fill you in on the situation."

You know, when my PC went down, it took them two weeks to send a repair guy...uh, is that a kettle dancing on the table? Who turned on the REG?"

That is not an REG character. That is a newbie. Will you please listen! The REG should have been destroyed. It wasn't. Now you have to finish this job.

Mithadan swirls his cloak dramatically over his shoulders and stalks off muttering under his breath, "The trash can was right there! All they had to do was throw the REG into the trash can. But Noooo...they had to keep the thing and try to use it. You'd think they'd learn by now..."

Child and Pio come running up breathlessly. "Birdie, Rosie Cotton has stolen the REG and disappeared into the Fangorn Forest! We have to go after her, right now!"

"OK! OK! Hey, a little baby golden dragon. Awwww, he's sooooo cute! Yes he issums...come here, lil fellow..." Birdie reaches out and pats the dragon on the head. Then snatches her hand back immediately as the golden wyrmlette snaps viciously at her fingers.

"My name is Angara of the Northern Wastes, formerly of Falas," he states. "I am not a baby, thank you. And NOBODY pats me on the head!"

Mithadan had him in this pouch he gave us," said Child. "But I don't think he actually belongs to him." she finished doubtfully.

"Well, with that attitude, he should belong to Mith," grumbles Birdie. "I was just trying to be friendly!" Birdie scowls. Angara blows a smoke ring at her.

Birdie! Pay attention!" snaps Pio. "Rose has escaped to the Fangorn with the REG. We have to follow her and get it back. It's turned dangerous. The Barrow Downs itself could be threatened. Just think of the posters we'll get if that thing takes over the Downs!"

"We already have a dancing kettle."

"No, he's just a regular newbie. With some really interesting posts, so far...but never mind that!"

Birdie looks around the party. "Well, Gimli's 3,452 sheets to the wind. Don't know how much good he'll be. Where's Sam? He has a kinda thing for Rosie, doesn't he? Maybe he can talk some sense into her."

Child says, "Sam won't go without Frodo, and Frodo's still sick from his wounds."

"Now did he take ALL of the water from that phial like I told him?" Birdie huffs, "You know, you just can't stop taking that water when you start feeling a little better, you have to take the whole thing..."

"I don't know!" said Pio. "Listen, Rose is in Fangorn right now, OK? So Fangorn has Ents, Right. And what do Ents want?"


"Nooooo! Entwives! And who played an Entwife in the RPG room...?"

"Oh, I don't know if I can pull this off", Birdie protests.

"Sure you can!" exclaimed Child. "Treebeard and the gang haven't seen an Entwife in - what - 800 years? They'll be willing to believe anything in a birchbark skirt is an Entwife. You can do it, Birdie!"

"Oh, Alright" Birdie takes a deep breath and morphs into a 40-foot (approximately 12 meters) mulberry Entwife. "Well, how do I look"

Child and Pio tilt their heads and study Birdie critically. "She could use a little make-up." opined Pio.

"Oh, c'mon!"

"Can you do something with your leaves?" asked Child.

[ June 01, 2002: Message edited by: Birdland ]
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