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Old 04-05-2003, 03:28 PM   #38
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Atop the peak of Kalormë
Posts: 163
Meoshi has just left Hobbiton.

Morachion crashed into the stunned human. This was easy hunting, he thought, and reached his fangs down to bite. Suddenly, he was thrown off, and sprawled on the rocky path. As Morachion regained his footing, Barodir drew his blade. With a cry, he swung his blade full force at the spider. Out of instinct, Morachion put up a front leg to block it- and the end of the leg was cut clean off.

Morachion leaped at the human, lashing him with his uninjured forward leg. The blow knocked Barodir on his back, sending the sword flying. As Barodir reached for his sword, the giant spider bit a deep wound into Barodir's arm. The soldier struggled for a moment, then went limp as the sleeping venom did its work.

Morachion had forgotten about the other human hanging in his web. He would probably wake up and struggle free of the silky bonds, but this was more important.

He looked at the injured leg. It wasn't one used for walking, but carrying. He would have no chance of dragging the stunned soldier back to his master. Morachion cleared his airtubes and made a loud, piercing shriek.

Two of the snaga-orcs came running. They hefted the soldier on their shoulders like a huge pack, and began marching down the hill to the town. Morachion carefully picked up Barodir's sword in his good claw, and followed them.
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