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Old 03-02-2003, 02:41 AM   #8
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: The Long Lake
Posts: 228
Airerūthiel has just left Hobbiton.

Torfithien stood up slowly, regally, and then remembered she had to be a lady no longer. "My Lord Elrond, the Lady Celebrian was the closest thing I ever had to a best friend. If my knowledge and my sword can aid the attempt to rescue her, they are yours to do what you will with."

One of the Elves, who had spent much of the council looking in Torfithien's direction with a look of contempt, jumped to his feet. "Lord Elrond, you cannot permit this Elven woman to go! It goes against everything we have been trained for. She has no right to simply walk into this council and offer her services, friend of the Lady or no." He went on in a continued defamation of Torfithien, whose blood was boiling as she tried to maintain an air of calm determination.

Elrond spoke, his voice a little more subdued than normal. "Torfithien of Lórien, if this was not a desperate situation I would ask you to leave instantly. But as it is - you have been brought up by your father and brothers, and are as skilled in tracking and sword-fighting as any capable male Elf in Middle-earth. The fact that you have known the Lady Celebrian since you were young must also be taken into account."

Elrond turned to the group. "Torfithien is an exception to the rules of this council. She and Celebrian have been friends for many centuries, and as such I believe that constitutes the right to join the quest. Now, do I have any more volunteers?"

The Elven Lord sent a small sad smile in Torfithien's direction as he sat back down, and she returned the expression. Inside, however, her eternal thirst for adventure had been reawakened. Maybe, just maybe, this would be her chance to prove to the others that just because she was female did not mean she was not worthy of being a warrior.
'If they give you ruled paper, write the other way' - Juan Ramón Jiménez
I love pirates!
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