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Old 02-13-2003, 12:50 AM   #293
Vice of Twilight
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Join Date: Nov 2002
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Nurumaiel has just left Hobbiton.

Robin was in a simple blue dress for the party; it was the best she had packed. She had cleaned it, sewn up the tears, and it was looking all right, but she sighed at the thought of being dressed so shabbily amongst all the beautiful Elves.

There was a soft knock on the door. "Come in!" said Robin, as she picked up a brush to finish doing her hair. Nicrabanwen, her Elf-friend, was standing in the doorway.

"Here's your dress," she said, with no explanation, dropping something on the little table Robin was sitting at.

"My... what?"

"Your dress. You did want to wear something a little more... formal... than that, did you not?" Nicrabanwen's eyes were smiling, but her face remained expressionless.

Robin looked down at the bundle of cloth before her. It wasn't even cloth, really. It seemed to be woven of the stars, with some of the sky captured to give it the pale blue color. Robin touched it lightly, seeming almost afraid to, and then drew her hand back with another little sigh. "It's beautiful, Nicrabanwen, but... it's not the kind of thing I'd look good in. It's too... Elven for a hobbit girl like me."

"Oh!" said Nicrabanwen, in a tone that said, You'd expect a hobbit to think something foolish like that! "That, my dear girl, is just the wrapping. This is the dress." And out she pulled a green dress, made in the fashion of the hobbits, just of a lighter and more airy material.

"Oh... my... goodness," said Robin, gasping. She was not a girl who thought much about clothes, but today was a special occasion, and she wanted to look her best for the Elves... and for Dinodas. She picked up the dress and twirled around, and then, as Nicrabanwen turned, she changed from the blue dress into the new green one.

"How do I look?" she asked.

"It looks wonderful on you," said Nicrabanwen, smiling her beautiful Elven smile. Then she hurriedly left the room, seeming to glide.

Just two minutes after Nicrabanwen left, there was another knock on the door, and this time it was Dinodas there, looking very handsome indeed. "My little Robin!" he said, taking her hands in his. "Are you excited about the feast?"

"Dinodas, how do you think I look?"

The lad didn't even notice the dress. Her sparkling blue eyes reflected the starlight and moonlight streaming in through the window, there was a faint blush on her smooth cheeks, her brown hair was brushed and the curls fell about her face... she was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen in all his life. And she's mine, he thought in wonder. I've claimed her love.

"Lovely," he said, kissing her gently.

"Don't!" she said, laughing. "Bullroarer would scold dreadfully. 'Kissing when you should be getting ready for the party!'"

"But we are ready! And anyway, he doesn't know yet. Only we know, our own little secret, with Daisy and Gaddy to share it. Robin, I'm the happiest lad ever at this moment."

"And I'm the happiest lass," she replied, kissing his cheek. "Now, shall we go down?"

"May I escort you to dinner?" he said in a formal tone, dropping her hands and giving a little bow.

"Of course, my good sir," she said. He offered her his arm, and she took it, and together they left the room and made their way to the hall for the party.
In the fury of the moment I can see the Master's hand
in every leaf that trembles, in every grain of sand.
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