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Old 01-20-2003, 02:49 AM   #61
Reflection of Darkness
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Location: Polishing the stars. Well, somebody has to do it; they're looking a little bit dull.
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Brinniel is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.Brinniel is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.Brinniel is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.

Raye stared at the outstretched hand and did not accept it. Instead, she looked at Yenhofir, her shocking green eyes cold and hard.
"It is not your business who we are. You do not have any right to ask us."
The murderess's voice had a dangerous edge to it. The maiden quickly took note of it and dropped her hand, taking a step backwards.
"I'm sorry," she murmered. "I should have not been so quick to ask. But please tell me if you have seen my pony."
"We have traveled for three days straight and haven't seen a thing," Arrelle answered, shrugging. "Especially no ponies."
"If your pony came along this way, it won't stand a chance," Raye added. "And neither will you, considering what you're wearing. This is the border of the Grey Mountains we stand on. We are no longer on safe grounds."
"I am that far North?" Yenhofir asked, suddenly confused. "Well, if that is so, is there any chance I could join you? I don't think I'd like to venture these parts alone and if you could help me find Quintin, I'd really appreciate it."
Raye let out a terrible laugh that chilled the bone. "Foolish you are, Yenhofir. You no not even our names, yet you wish to travel with us as a free companion."
The murderess pulled out her dagger and pointed it at Yenhofir. The maiden's eyes grew wide as she took another step backwards.
"Perhaps next time you will learn to determine friends from enemies before you approach strangers. Never would I let someone so ignorant as you join our group. Now get out of my sight before I-"
It was then a hand squeezed Raye's shoulder, stopping her in midsentence. Raye turned around, expecting to see Tallin ready to argue, but to her own surprise, it was not the wolf tamer, but Belle who laid her hand on her shoulder.
"Do not be so unkind, Raye," the elf said sternly. "Put away your weapon and let me speak with Yenhofir. It is I, after all, who should determine if she comes with us or not."
Raye stared at Belle, gritting her teeth. More than ever, she wanted to kill them all at this very moment. But the murderess remembered her promise to Berethion. She wouldn't dare break it; not for Berethion. Not yet, at least. And so, though hesitantly, Raye put away her dagger and stormed off into the trees.

Raye watched from afar as Belle introduced herself and the others to Yenhofir. She then explained their quest and offered the maiden to join. To Raye's disgruntlement, Yenhofir accepted the offer gratefully. The last thing they needed was another ignorant fool.
Raye watched the others welcome this silly looking maiden. Belle, Faryn, Arrelle, Hwesta, and Tallin stood there, almost looking too happy. It was then the murderess noticed. Tallin's wolves were missing. Where were they?

Almost as if in answer to her question, the wolves suddenly appeared from the trees, running in the direction of Tallin. The wolf tamer turned to speak with the wolves. It was obvious that whatever the wolves were telling her, she did not like it, as her frown gradually grew larger.
Then, after what seemed to be a rather short conversation with the wolves, Tallin approached Raye, grim faced.
"They say there is a strange smell," the wolf tamer told her, pointing at her wolf friends. "Not a good smell, though. They sense danger. What do you think, Raye?"
"I think that is quite possible," Raye replied. "We should be on our way."
Tallin nodded. "You think it was a good idea to leave our horses behind?" she asked, suddenly.
That previous day, the group left their horses in the care of a stable boy in the last town they passed. Raye had insisted that they do this, for not one horse could possibly last in the mountains.
"A horse is at the bottom of the food chain in the Grey Mountains," Raye answered. "It was our only choice. Trust me."
"I know. But we could move at such a quicker pace if we were riding."
"Do not dwell on these things, wolf tamer. Let us go to the others now and inform them of our need to make immediate leave."
Raye and Tallin hardly took a step when an arrow whizzed past them, only inches from their faces, and landed in a tree. Raye pulled the arrow out of tree and studied it briefly.
"Night elves!" she said. The murderess cursed loudly as she threw down the arrow and pulled out her sword. "Not something I wanted to deal with."
"Well, I don't think we have much of a choice," Tallin said, smiling grimly. "I must warn the others."
And as the wolf tamer disappeared, the first of the night elves appeared out of nowhere. Raye smiled triumphantly as she raised her sword high. At last a challenge faced her for the first time in five years.

[ January 20, 2003: Message edited by: Brinniel ]
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