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Old 02-04-2003, 11:47 AM   #417
Pile O'Bones
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Norway
Posts: 14
Falathion has just left Hobbiton.

Turgin giggled. "Orcs in the Shire?" He laughed out loud and chuckled brightly. "Them rangers is sleeping the days off ye? And how did they come all the way to this inn without starting a screaming perill in the streets!"

"Bah!" Turgon then added. "And yer didn't even spare one for me axe to cleave!"
He walked down the stairs and over to Jesse. "And what is this talk of kings wantin yer old butt? He should know better then sending two dumb orcs capturing a wizard. Low of intelligence this king must be, and a ruler over such a land not known to humans nor elves, dwarves or hobbits. This bring me laughing matter to a merry point me haven't had in years."

Turgon started to laugh again looking around at the two slain orcs. Indeed the stupidity of orcs couldn't be questioned, walking into a whitie town like the Shire was truly a walk of suicide. Not to talk of all the perills on the road west from where they once had been bredd.

Turgon smiled merrily, his beard was jumping up and down in motion with his chuckles. Hillarious!
"You cannot pass. I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor!"
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