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Old 03-18-2003, 04:20 PM   #122
Pile O'Bones
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: London
Posts: 13
Huntress has just left Hobbiton.

Where was she headed now that was a question, one she was ready to admit she didn't know the answer to herself. Maybe if she began at the begining it would be easir. She looked at the two hobbits waiting for her answer and then her eyes moved to Fin a smile played on her lips as she caught site of the wine staine, making up her mind she leant forward head on her hands and began.

"This isn't something i've talked to many people about, infact i've prefered to keep it hidden but since coming here the things that have happend and the people I've met." Here she paused and smiled warmly at Fin who was listening intently.
"Well they've made me change my mind. I apologies now if the story isn't that good but i'm not used to telling it, My earliest memory is a sad one, I was traveling with my parents to where i'm not sure and where we came from I don't know either but what I do remember is them my parents I mean, my mother had colouring much like my own her eyes were the same green her hair was a lighter brown but my father had the black hair like mine,there are other things but there blurry now." Without meaning to Huntress stoped speaking but when she noticed the silence jumped back into action.

"It was the morning I think, when someone came out of the woods just ahead of us, but nobody was worried my parents knew him, But...but they should have been worried, He murdered my family right infront of me the only reason he didn't kill me was because as luck would have it a group of nomads were traveling through the area they had heard the shouting and come to investigate, the murderer got away and I was left alone no family just my Fathers sword and my Mothers bow the person that had killed them however had left the permernant memory of his face in my mind." This time Huntress stopped due to the bitterness that had risen in her voice. She looked at her companions once again, the Hobbits were fully enrolled in the story while Fin looked at her with a cetain amount of concern. Once she was sure her anger wouldn't be a problem she began again.

"Well after that I stayed for a short time with the nomads and then I moved on, I was trained by those I stayed with untill I met with a Ranger who taught me all he knew. After he died I felt ready to do what I had always planned to hunt down the murderer of my parents and avenge them. So I became a Ranger it was a good cover for me when your looking like I was. Well the Ranger part was I had to keep the fact I was a elf hidden." The two hobbits looked at her shocked they themselves hadn't realised she was an elf, Fin however hadn't made the slightest indication of been shocked but Huntress had realised earlier that Fin probably knew she was elven and she also realised that without meaning to she was only really talking to Fin.

"So why are you now in the Shire did you find the person that killed your parents." It was one of the Hobbits, Huntress looked at the hobbit and felt coldness grip her heart as she answered.

"No, the trail has gone cold I may never find him, I'll always remember his face but I may never find him.......I decided instead that maybe it would be better if I made some time for my own kind." Her eyes flashed towards Fin for a second before returning to the Gaddy and Hal.
"Try and find out where I come from, see if anyone remembers my parents and why we were travelling. So it may not explain exactly where i'm going but I don't know myself."

She sat back not dareing to look up it had been harder than she thought to tell that story, now all she could do was wait for a reaction.
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