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Old 03-22-2003, 05:03 AM   #153
Posts: n/a

It was a cool evening. And the Green Dragon inn was now in Éden's sight, he had ridden all the way from the western realm of Enedwäth. A young man of 23, of average height and green of eye, dismounted his horse, tied it up and entered the inn.

"Ah, im not as out of place as I had thought." he said to himself, looking about the inn. His eyes caught glance of a snow haired girl sitting at a table beside an elf and some hobbits. "could it be?" he gasped.

He leaned against the wall and watched her. "She is the most beautiful creature ive ever seen." He laughed. "still enticing, after all this time, Aeryn of Golden's light touches the coldest of hearts." He began to make his way over to her.
He tapped her on the shoulder.