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Old 11-12-2002, 02:33 PM   #1
Spirit of Mist
Join Date: Jul 2000
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Tolkien Castle Maladil - Discussion thread

Do not post until the RPG owner has posted first, please. The RPG thread will be opened soon. The Owner has designated this RPG as "invitation only", but will consider characters submitted here until membership is closed. Membership is NOT first come, first served.

RPG Owner: Gandalf the Grey


RPG Proposal as accepted:

Title: Castle Maladil

Submitted by: Gandalf the Grey

RPG Type: Invitation Only

Number of Spaces Available:

I’ll say ten. However, I’m easily willing to run the RPG with less than ten people, and might possibly be convinced to accept more, if making an exception will enhance rather than detract from the quality of the game.

Spaces Already Filled:

Five spaces are filled already. (Not counting myself.)


Join Gandalf the Grey on a quest to lift a curse from haunted Castle Maladil. Though the road known as the Andrath Greenway be short in distance from Sarn Ford to Tharbad, it's plenty long on adventure, peril, and mystery. Brave living foes along the way to reach your destination where you'll face the dead.

"Castle Maladil" is a continuation of "On Patrol." The format of "On Patrol" was designed to combine interactive fan fiction adventure storytelling (role-play) with the element of chance (game). On the role-playing / storytelling side, each participant was given wide latitude when it came to freely choosing a course of action for his or her character. (Of course, each participant was obliged to pay close attention to and coordinate with actions taken by the other characters, for the story to remain consistent.) On the gaming side, certain questions, events, and outcomes were determined by the threadmaster’s roll of the dice. For instance, dice rolls determined how successful were Gandalf’s attempts to battle a wraith, how many ruffians were in a gang of smugglers encountered along the road, who in the company was injured while fighting the smugglers, how extensive were certain injuries sustained, and the strange fate which befell an urgent letter being carried by a ranger from Elrond to Galadriel (long story short, the letter ended up as dinner in someone’s stomach.) Also on the gaming side, this being Middle Earth, it should come as no surprise that a conflict between two characters was resolved through an actual riddle-contest.

The time period of "On Patrol" is nearly the same as that for "Castle Maladil" … roughly a year after Bilbo Baggins’ mysterious departure from the Shire on his eleventy-first birthday. The events of "On Patrol" immediately precede those of Castle Maladil, and occur in game time over the course of several days.

The character makeup of "On Patrol" consisted of various Elves … some with horses and an oliphaunt, a Bombadil, a female Ranger of the race of Men, male Rangers including Strider, a skin-changer, various Hobbits … some with pony carts including Merry who found one after a rainstorm, a wraith, the wraith’s horse, Men, and an Istari who has a fondness for pipeweed. Those player-characters who remained active until the very end of "On Patrol" include Menelduliniel and Estelarion, Bethberry, Birdland, Holly, and myself. The Fifth and Orofacion of the Vanyar both came into the story choosing to make a cameo appearance; both would be welcomed back on either a temporary or permanent basis.

The tone of "On Patrol" strove always to maintain the "look and feel" of Tolkien’s sub-creation, that is, to be "canon" or in keeping with all that we know about Middle Earth as presented in Tolkien’s literary works.

Location/Setting/Time Period within Story:

The company will set out from the Trade Inn at Sarn Ford and journey South to Tharbad. Please note that this RPG takes place about a year after Bilbo Baggins journeyed to stay at Rivendell. Gandalf therefore has no clue that many of the outlaws being encountered are connected with Saruman, nor will he be successful in discovering anything of the sort.

Types of Characters that May Be Involved:

Race: Elves, Men, or Hobbits would be most fitting. A Dwarf or two would come in handy, but you can well imagine that Elvish ghosts guarding gold won’t look too kindly on you, if you take my meaning. Other races will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Other Character Needs: Since it looks like we already have a good blend of diverse talents that complement each other, please feel welcome to add your own individual stamp and preference when it comes to your character’s profession and/or abilities.

(… And yes, mods are welcome to join. ;-) )

Players that Have Already Been Accepted into the RPG:

Bethberry, Birdland, piosenniel, Vanima Edhel, The Fifth as well as anyone else from On Patrol who wishes to become involved again.

Rules that Players of the RPG Must Follow:

1) Your character proceeds on this quest at your character's own risk, knowing full well that injury or death may result from dangerous circumstances, and that actions have consequences. You understand that you may be asked to make a saving throw on a six-sided die in case of an unusual attack … if you miss your saving throw, the results for your character may be rather dramatic. However, whatever happens as a result of failing to make a saving throw can generally be reversed and your character brought back to normal, provided that the company works as a team to help the individual in trouble.

2) Not everybody who applies to be a player in this RPG will automatically be accepted just because he or she submits a character description and asks. If you and I already know each other from posting back and forth to each other in the Barrow Downs forums or through PMs, I am far more likely to accept you. To be honest, if I don’t know you or have never had any contact with you, you probably won’t be accepted. However, newcomers who can show strong evidence of high quality writing ability (such as writing samples that meet my personal, and yes, subjective standards) will find a respectful welcome based upon their merit. Please note that "high quality writing ability" means far more effort, enthusiasm, and creativity than just a skeletal "here's my character, can I join?"

First Post:

Submitted by Gandalf the Grey

Late in the Second Age, Maladil forfeited his Elvish immortality to marry Adela, a mortal woman. They had a son named Kenelm, a daughter named Calimiel, and ten beloved servants.

All was well until Adela died. Then, Maladil bemoaned his earlier decision. One night after smashing glasses and bottles against the bricks of the fireplace in a drunken rage, he swore a mad oath that unless Kenelm sailed West and convinced the Valar to restore his immortality, his fëa would refuse to depart Middle Earth, but remain inside the castle through all eternity, though his body die. Maladil further swore that neither would the Valar take his children or servants the way his wife had been taken, and that Kenelm, Calimiel, and all his servants would share his fate.

That very week, Orcs raided the Castle and slew all the inhabitants in their sleep. But the Orcs stole away no treasure, for the ghosts of Maladil, Kenelm, Calimiel, and the servants drove off those who dared disturb the precious metals and other finery.

It is said the ghosts guard the dread fastness to this day. Maladil shakes the foundations of his Castle with angry pacing footfalls and the stormy shrieks of one gone insane. Kenelm plays a harp with missing strings and sings softly of his captivity. Calimiel tends the ancient herb gardens, reputedly containing plants no longer in existence anywhere else in Middle Earth in this Third Age. Some servants weep, while others resigned to their boredom pass the time with chores to take their mind off their horror.

A recent Council of Rangers held near Sarn Ford has determined an increasing level of peril in the vicinity of the Castle at Tharbad. Outlaws ... and perhaps worse creatures ... are taking advantage of the fell reputation of the area. Though fear prevents foul ruffians and brigands from setting foot in the Castle itself, they expand their territory ever nearer, even unto within sight of its walls. Gandalf the Grey has been asked to see what, if anything, can be done to lift the curse of Castle Maladil or at least drive out what other evil lurks nearby. Those who accompany the wizard may each have their own motives: duty, friendship, interest in rumored treasure, curiosity, seeking their own road in company with strong companions for safety in numbers ... But whatever the reason, it is hoped that all see the wisdom in banding together and combining their talents for the common good.

As a new day dawns, Gandalf and a small band of travelers make ready to leave the Trade Inn at Sarn Ford, to journey South to Tharbad.
Beleriand, Beleriand,
the borders of the Elven-land.
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