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Old 11-15-2002, 02:04 PM   #18
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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piosenniel is a guest of Tom Bombadil.

Holly laughed at the both of them - Olo for his overwrought concern for her and Bird for her overwrought concern about everything. She knelt down by one of the hay bales and spread the old vellum out in a pool of light shining down from the rafters. Bird and Olo crouched down beside her, as she ran her finger over the dim and fading lines on the skin.

'It was a few years back, as I recall. On one of my forays into Eregion to sketch the autumn shadings of the trees along the Hollin Ridge, and work my way south to capture the lights on the new snows of Caradhras. I had finished the studies I meant to do for that trip, and was just come to the place of Ost-in-Edhel, thinking to sketch the ruins there before heading home for the winter.

A small band of Wanderering Elves, passing down the Sirannon heading West to Nîn-in-Eliph, came upon me there, and we passed the night in pleasant companionship. They sang stories of the Elder Days and I sketched them as they sat by the flickering campfire, their grey cloaked forms almost fading into the evening shadows. In the morning they left, as silently as they had come. We had thanked each other for the company of the campfire, and I remember giving them a few of my group sketches, though I kept the individual portraits of the singers. In turn, they gave me several maps I had commented on, saying they no longer needed them and that I might find them useful in my travels. This was one of them.'

'I still think it's too dangerous for you two ladies to be traipsing off with it. We should tell Gandalf, I think. Or at least Volondil!' Olo stood up and hauled Holly to her feet with his hand. Bird stood, too, and grinned at Holly.

'I know, Bird. I know. By the One, he called us ladies!' She turned to Olo, still holding her hand, and kissed him sweetly on the cheek. 'No need to worry so, Olo. We'll have all the protection we need. You're coming with us, aren't you? You can take care of any dangers while we scout around.' Holly rolled up the map and tucked it into a safe place in her vest.

Olo looked at her, not knowing quite what to say. Bird nudged him with her boot. 'Better bring that pitchfork, Olo. Sometimes Holly's plans don't quite work out the way she means them to.'
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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