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Old 06-19-2003, 10:39 AM   #12
Child of the 7th Age
Spirit of the Lonely Star
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Child of the 7th Age is a guest of Tom Bombadil.

Pio's post

She heard the steps come hurriedly down the long hall, pausing it seemed to look in each room, then hurry nearer. The twins had been fed, and changed, and now lay in their basket at her feet. As far as she knew, she and the babies were alone in the house while everyone else was out in the gardens waiting for the ceremony to begin.

The hair at the nape of her neck prickled as the steps grew nearer, stopping and starting at each of the entryways. Drawing the knife from the sheath on her leg, Pio moved the basket of sleeping babies behind the sofa in the parlour, draping a thin blanket over it to shield the light from the nearby window. Without a sound she moved to the side of the entry into the room and waited.

It was not a long wait. The sounds drew near and then stopped, just outside the door. She could hear them retreat across the hall, and then return, coming closer to the parlour. The door was only slightly ajar, and she watched as a hand reached in to shove at the handle.

As soon she saw the wrist, her free hand snaked out in a rapid motion, closing round it with a steely grip. Pio hauled the intruder in quickly in a single motion throwing them against the wall, blade to throat.

‘Don’t kill me before my wedding!’

The squeaky whispered plea brought the Elf back to a shocked reality as she looked down into Cami’s face, all color drained from it. The knife clattered to the floor, and Pio stepped back. Cami rubbed her wrist and felt carefully along the side of her neck for any bleeding cuts.

‘It’s me, you knife happy ninny! I’ve only come to tell you we are about to begin,’ she rasped out, her throat gone quite dry from fear. ‘What in Arda were you thinking?’

Pio took a deep breath, shaking off the tension of the moment. ‘I am truly sorry, Cami,’ she said, taking her friend’s hand and leading her to the sofa. Pio brought the babies from behind it and sat their basket at her feet. Urging Cami to sit down near her, she took her hand, apologizing once again.

‘It was a dark dream I had yesterday that has set me on edge. Full of shadows and feelings of emptiness and despair.’ Pio looked out the window, the soft light of a pleasant Shire evening belying the uneasiness niggling at the corners of her mind. ‘My arms were achingly empty. The shadows had drawn near and I drew my sword against them. But the blade cut through them without effect, and I could not find what I sought.’

Pio’s hand strayed to the basket, gently touching her son and daughter. ‘And now the Shiriff has come, wondering where Mithadan has gone, bringing up the fear of him and Bird also in danger from both sides – the ruffians and the law.’ She leaned against the back of the sofa, her hand straying to the back of her neck, rubbing at it. ‘It is strange, is it not. One entangles, entwines ones’ life with another – either by choice, as with Mithadan,’ she dropped her hand down to take Cami’s once more, ‘and as with you, in friendship - or by chance, as with my children. And one is quite undone. Pushed to consider things in a wider cast, if hazier, light. Unable to make those decisions that would have come so easily before.’

The sounds of Sam’s children came streaming by the window – a raucous game of tag was underway and little Pippin was chastising his older siblings for running so fast. ‘No fair!’ came his indignant cry. Goldie and I will never catch up to you!’ There was laughter, and a swirl of good-natured comments as Elanor, Rosie, and Frodo-lad swarmed about the younger group, just barely in reach of Goldie’s hand. She reached out giggling and slapped Rosie on the leg. The gathering broke up as swiftly as it had come together, their cries of delight flowing away from the window.

Pio laughed, her dark mood slipping away for the moment. ‘Ah! What am I thinking! This is your day, Cami Goodchild. Excuse my dark meanderings . . . and my all too ready blade!’ She looked closely at her friend. ‘Everything will turn out as it should - at least for this day, I think. I will witness you and Maura and your family as you join your courses. We will eat and drink and toast your good fortune as we may.’

We will be safe for a space of time among this good company.

She leaned in close and taking Cami’s face in her hands, kissed her three times on the brow.

‘From me,’ she said, ‘and Mithadan and Bird who are with you in their thoughts.’ She leaned back, studying the features of her friend’s face. ‘Would that They grant you their grace, Cami. You and Maura and all your family.’

The basket with the babies gripped firmly in her hand, Pio rose from the sofa. She could hear the small band of musicians recruited from the area tuning up in readiness to play a little music for the dancing that would come after the vows were said and witnessed. Laughing she reached down and swatted Cami lightly on the arm.

‘Tag! You are it!’

[ June 19, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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