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Old 06-29-2003, 04:43 PM   #32
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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piosenniel is a guest of Tom Bombadil.

It was a good hour and possibly two before Pio could get away from the party. Many of the guests who had come had not had time to place their gifts on the table, and it seemed as if an endless stream of smiling Hobbit faces presented her with brightly wrapped boxes. And each, or so she had been told by Cami, must be opened carefully, the paper smoothed out and folded for later use in lining the twins’ dresser drawers once they returned to Gondor.

In addition to this, there was, of course, the obligatory oohing and aahing over the gift itself. Not that Pio objected to this little round of tradition, but she was tired, and it took most of her effort not to yawn as she listened attentively to the well-wishes of the gift-givers.

Some,also, had brought their gifts to Cami and Maura, who stood nearby, and Pio felt she must also comment on each of those as well. Her face ached from the smile she had cemented on it, and she yawned widely as the last of the presenters wandered off for a last glass of ale or wine.

‘I saw that!’ Cami came over to sit on the edge of Pio’s chair. Pio grinned guiltily at her, then yawned again. ‘You cannot tell me that you are not bone tired also, my friend.’ She took Cami’s hand and held it to her cheek. ‘It has been a very long day. My leg is aching and I long to snuggle in with my children and drift off for a good long while.’ She nodded to the table that had held the food for the party. Empty now, except for a few crumbs on the cloth, it’s covering fluttered softly in the night breeze. ‘Look there, Cami. If I am not mistaken, that is Holly’s little head peeking out from underneath it, asleep.’

Cami turned and smiled as she saw her daughter’s sleeping form. Holly lay there peacefully unaware of those who milled about in the yard, her little head resting on her arm and her thumb stuck securely in her mouth. ‘You’re right,’ she laughed. ‘It has been a long day. I suppose we should say our good-byes and get home.’

‘Better yet,’ said Pio winking at her conspiratorially, ‘we can just sneak off, no one will notice us.’ Cami shook her head and gave her a ‘look’.

‘Right then,’ said Pio, sighing, ‘would not want to offend and all that. You go gather up your family and I will see to Amaranthas. She can make the excuses for me, and then we will head back home.’

Pio bent down and kissed her friend on her curls. ‘If I do not see you when we leave, then I will come with the babies to see you all tomorrow.’ She waved at Cami as she walked off.

‘Have a good night, Missus!’
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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