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Old 11-05-2002, 11:46 AM   #392
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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piosenniel is a guest of Tom Bombadil.

***** DALE - Bram *****

It was early morning, and a glorious day had dawned on the Great River. A brisk wind filled their sails, and their craft was making good speed with the current.

Frain had gone into the small cabin on the helm deck for a much needed rest, and Rira stood at the helm. Not a great deal of correction was needed to keep the craft true to course, so he spent much of his time looking at the great flocks of seabirds that wheeled and turned in the sky above the ship. The sky was thick with them, even this far from the great ocean.

'They're lovely to watch, aren't they?' remarked Bram coming up behind him. 'In all my times up and down this river, though, I've never seen so many of them. It's almost as if they herald our approach.' He walked toward the low hanging roof of the small cabin. 'Give me a hand up here, Rira, and let me see what I can see.'

The Captain secured the helm, and gave Bram a boost up. Stepping back to the wheel, he watched as Bram scanned the river and its lands ahead, straining to catch a sight of the famous city.

It was midday when Bram cried out, pointing toward the southwest. 'The peak of Mount Mindolluin is clearly in sight now!'

A bleary eyed and clearly unrested Frain stumbled out of the cabin. 'Hey! How can you expect a Dwarf to get any sleep with an elephant tap dancing overhead and shouting out points of interest like some rabid tour guide!?'

'Come up, Frain!' said Bram, extending her hand to him. The city should be coming into sight soon.' Even a tired Frain could not resist this offer, and up he climbed.

Bram shouted to the rest of the crew to come and view their approach. He pulled out a map to show them where they would dock the ship once they reached Minas Anor.

The Elves, with their keen eyes, were the first to see the city, itself.

'Look, look!' they cried, shading their eyes in the sun. 'The beautiful tower - shining so bright in the sun?'

'The White Tower of Ecthelion!' came the voice of Rira, his dark eyes sparkling with delight.

Girion gazed on the city. 'I never thought to see this image come to life!' As if in a dream, he quoted a much loved passage he had heard once when Rangers had come through Dale. He remembered one tall, raven haired, grey eyed Man who had taken pity on the curiosity of a child asking for tales of far off lands. He had spoken of this great city with a certain fondness:

. . . the Tower of Ecthelion, standing high within the topmost walls, shone out against the sky, glimmering like a spike of pearl and silver, tall and fair and shapely, and its pinnacle glittered as if it were wrought of crystals...'(ROTK)
The ship approached Harlond, the port of Minas Anor. Small boats came out from the docking area to bring in the ship. Frain and Bram threw lines from the foredeck, on either side, and the boat-tenders secured them to the rear of their vessels. They slowly and surely drew the ship into dock.

A single man dressed in simple finery, stood on the dock, and watched the ship approach, noting the mix of Men, Elves and Dwarves aboard. Once it was secured, he hailed the companions, now all hanging over the railing and gazing at the city.

'Well met!' he cried in a great voice to them. ‘I bid you welcome in the name of King Elessar!’

Bram strode down the gang plank toward the man. 'We have come for the King's Audience. These are the companions from The Lonely Mountain, Dale, and Eryn Lasgalen. Will you give the King our greetings and let him know we have come?'

[ November 05, 2002: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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