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Old 12-18-2001, 03:50 AM   #7
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on that thread....
how come Elrond is so set against Pippin being part of the fellowship? he says something like "my heart forbodes his going" (snorts angrily whilst looking in vain for the book) ...ah well, something like that.
ok, so Pippin screwed up a couple of times-who didn't? but if it hadn't been for pippin Faramir would have been burnt by denethor, and Merry wouldn't have excaped from the orcs, (none of that argument that he only got caught cos of Pippin-merry would of ran off looking for Frodo anyway, and still run into the orcs) and the ents wouldn't have been roused, and Saruman wouldn't have been overthrown.....the little fool of a Took did his part. how come Elrond didn't feel this? and if it was because he didn't know, then why so insistant that he remained behind?
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