Thread: Poems and Songs
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Old 09-17-2002, 05:24 PM   #10
Haunting Spirit
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: eryn lasgalen
Posts: 91
elengil has just left Hobbiton.

Here's one of mine:<P>(OK ok, two of mine)...<P><B>The Battle of Helm's Deep</B><P>Over fields far and wide<BR>We must ride! We must ride!<BR>For the fortress of Helm's Deep<BR>We must keep! We must keep!<P>Though a fierce foe may come<BR>Sounding drum! Sounding drum!<BR>Let the horns of Helm's Deep ring<BR>We will sing! We will sing!<P>Ever this will be our song,<BR>Though the battle rages long,<BR>Theoden King rides once again<BR>Mustering his valiant men!<P>Onward ride now, Rohirrim!<BR>Though the day is growing dim<BR>We must fight long ere the end,<BR>For Rohan we must now defend!<P>Over coomb and dike they come<BR>Never, though, shall we succumb.<BR>We will fight till our last breath.<BR>To the death! To the death!<P>Ever come they, on and on<BR>Hoards of Saruman's evil spawn,<BR>Blasting at the gate with fire<BR>Devilry from Orthanc's spire.<P>Now let the Horn of Helm resound<BR>Though the enemy may surround<BR>We'll ride forth, though they are strong,<BR>At least we may be worth a song.<P>Look! For now the break of day<BR>Reveals in the valley lay<BR>A mighty forest tall and fierce<BR>The hearts of foes it does pierce<P>And hither comes the Rider-White<BR>Tall and terrible in his might.<BR>With Glamdring gleaming in his hand<BR>And a host at his command.<P>Before us now the foes do flee<BR>Between the mighty King the tree.<BR>In their fear long they did wail<BR>And none alive escaped that vale.<P>Now onward! Onward let us ride!<BR>Gandalf, the White Rider, cried.<BR>And from that valley rode again<BR>The host of Rohan's valiant men.<P>________________________________<P><B>Balla d of the Elves</B><P>No fairer words were ever spoke<BR>Than of immortal Elven folk<BR>Who shone forth bright eternal light<BR>When under stars they first awoke<P>They walked in forest and in glen<BR>And woke, what sleeping once had been<BR>Remembered long in poem and song<BR>They set down tales with magic pen<P>The stars shone bright above the trees<BR>And carried on the western breeze<BR>In days of yore, when Valinor<BR>Was not yet set beyond the seas<P>With evil ever was their fight<BR>But Sauron tricked them in his might<BR>They forged three rings to heal all things<BR>He forged the One to douse their light<P>So elves and men who would not yield<BR>Marched forth upon the battle field<BR>And cut the band from off his hand<BR>And for a time the land was healed<P>But ever evil grew concealed<BR>Until again, pow'r it did wield<BR>And one last dream lay not in scheme<BR>But folly would be their last shield<P>Hobbits, dwarf, elf, and men<BR>Put forth on quest to once again<BR>Evil defeat, and death to cheat<BR>To destroy Isildur's Bane<P>The sound of tiny Hobbit feet<BR>Into Mordor, doom to greet<BR>Threw in Mt. Doom, the firey tomb<BR>of that One Ring, Sauron's defeat<P>Now evil finally is banned<BR>And healing brought back to the land<BR>But the three rings of Elven Kings<BR>Fade, that which was made by their band<P>Many Elven ships then bore<BR>Them overseas to Valinor,<BR>To dwell with kin, never again<BR>To cross the sea to mortal's shore<P>But some remained, did not depart<BR>For ever here will dwell their heart<BR>For in our veins, their blood remains<BR>And strength to men they still impart
No fairer words were ever spoke - Than of immortal Elvish folk - Who shone forth bright eternal light - When under stars they first awoke
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