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Old 12-18-2002, 05:55 PM   #13
Posts: n/a

They ruined Faramir.<BR> That was my first comment after the movie was over. Faramir was the better brother, yet here he is the same, even worse, for the ring reaches him far before it ever did Boromir. Faramir, in the books, shows the good side of mankind, the side that people aspire, or should aspire, to become, not the side that most are. Not to say that Boromir is bad or anything (I’m belong to the ‘Boromir is good’ side), but Faramir is far the better man. Perhaps it could be the fact that as the younger there was never as much preasure to be worthy to become the next Steward. But that would go into another thread, I’d think. Other then the minor thing with Faramir I adored the movie, better then the first.
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