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Old 12-18-2002, 06:34 PM   #14
Pile O'Bones
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 20
Sharia has just left Hobbiton.

Faramir was my hero and now............. I don't know what to say, they've ruined him. I loved Faramir for every thing he was and for everything he wasn't (but that Boromir was) I love how you (in the books) can sorta compare them both, see the similarities and the differences. Sorry if this doesn't make any sense, I'm just too upset to think properly (and this is 2 1/2 hors after the film finnished). I always felt I could kind of relate to Faramir because in the book he's the one that is most like me (personalitywise, I've never experienced any wars or anything) and now......he's just an arogante prick. What have they done to him! Ok, I'm gonna go and take all my aggresions out on some poor inosent tree and then I'll cry a bit.....Faramir......oh, Faramir....what have they done to you?..........
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