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Old 12-20-2002, 10:59 AM   #36
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: austin
Posts: 169
greyhavener has just left Hobbiton.

"Never has a character been so unworthy of an action figure." This was son's assessment of Faramir. He hasn't read the books.<P>Up until now P.J. has been able to make changes that did not appreciably alter the integrity of the story or it's characters. <BR>Faramir is an utter departure.<P>I agree with Child of the 7th age who wanted to hear Faramir say "Not if I found it on the road would I take it." I also wanted to hear Sam say to Faramir, "There is an air about you that reminds me of Gandalf, of wizards." I felt David Wenham possessed the air had he been been given the dialog.<P>It seems to me that Peter Jackson did not believe in his audience enough to allow the story to be moved along with mutually respectful conversation rather than conflict and action. Not only Faramir's, but Treebeard's and Theoden's characters are weakened in the way that they are convinced to go to war in the movies. They both, along with Faramir display incredible integrity in the books as they engage in amazing, life-changing dialogue with members of the Fellowship. Words move can characters to action, provide information, and reveal personality. P.J. managed to use them well in the first movie but somewhat abandoned them for something more sensational in the second.
Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8
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