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Old 12-22-2002, 07:04 PM   #133
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Oklahoma State University
Posts: 102
Túroch has just left Hobbiton.

Ringfenwen, I am actually very glad you posted. You bring a unique point of view to this discussion. I, unfortunately am one of those "life-long fans" you spoke about. <P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> The plot would have to be changed somewhat so that it could be shown visually, if pj had tried to incorporate every detail of the books each movie would probably have ended up about 9 hours long, it just isn't practical.<P>It is ridiculous to believe that a film can ever provide the same levels of characterization as a book, it's just not possible, this has been proven throughout the life of cinema. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>I could not agree more and you wont find many others who will say that the movie should of been exactly like the book. I don’t want a none reader to suffer in a movie. Only two of my friends have read any of Tolkien’s work and I really want them to enjoy the movie. In none my posts have I ever said that they should be 9 hour epics that stick exactly close to the book. The FotR is a good example of the type of movie I was expecting and hoping for. I mean it had the same director, filmed at the same time and everything so my hopes for another FotR like rendition were not baseless. True "movies and books are totally separate anomaly’s, however two movie in the same series are not. The TTT should have sticked closer to the spirit in which FotR was made. In comparison to the book, which as of yet I realized you have to read, FotR was a good interpretation. There were parts that strayed from the book but all of these small points could be forgiven. I, and many others i'm sure feel betrayed that TTT was so different in nature then FotR. I expected something like FotR, instead I got a movie that much farther then the books then I had expected. Farther as in making up cities that actually ruins, and almost erasing characters. That’s pretty far from the books.<P>If I had not read TTT, then the movie might of been a lot better. In fact i'm sure I would have loved it. But knowing the truth when I watched the movie put it in a different light. Listen closely, <B>[/b][b]I AM NOT SAYING THAT THE TWO TOWERS IS A BAD MOVIE ON IT'S OWN. I AM SAYING THAT HIS NEW RENDITION BETRAYED THE ORIGNAL STORY AND CAUSES HAVOC FOR THOSE WHO HAVE READ IT AND FOR OTHERS WHEN THEY WILL READ IT.</B> That’s all i'm saying. <P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> And I found the suggestion that the films are purely for fans of the books downright insulting. Two of my greatest friends have since watching the film read lotr, the silmarillion, learnt basic elvish, redecorated and designed their whole style of life to include the genius of JRRT (every piece of furniture or jewellery bought by them must look elvish ) <BR>If it hadn't been for the films they may have never discovered this whole world. Yet your whole attitude suggests that they are of no importance, since they have not been lifelong fans.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>Excellent! One of the high hopes I had for the movie is that it would encourage some people to read the books who hadn't of consider it before. I am glad to see that my hopes came true. I am though a "<I>life-long fans</I>" as you put it, especially since my mother read it to me practically over my crib. But don't discount what I say on that fact alone (there are many you could use instead trust me . However, one thing is sure we have a differnt idea of the word fans. I do not consider my kind to be the only type of fans. Your friends are fans, your a are a fan. A fan being someone who liked the story and enjoy tolkiens world. However, when PJ first came out with FotR, the only fans were those who had read the book. There weren't any others. And for the most part we fans gave him kudos for FotR. TTT is not quite the same. It is much different from the FotR the movie and very different from TTT the book. He has so to speak not targeted fans but more of the movie going masses, not all of which are fascinated by Tolkien's world. Many don't even really care for the plot. By doing he so he watered down the movie and "<I>betrayed</I>" our expectations. <P>Now I can't dispute many peoples love for this new TTT. Their views on the movie are totally their own and I cannot validate or invalidate them. However, I am simply debating the fact that this new movie is not TTT, but PJ's rendition of a movie much like TTT (with similar settings, names, and look), but differing severely in both characters and plot line. There are parts were PJ's movie does turn into TTT, but within a few minutes it mutates again. I really hate to say this, but you do speak from a position of little experience having not read the book and especially not seen the movie yet. Maybe by the time you read this you'll have seen it though. I'm also mostly arguing that the movies divergence from the book contributed to it's downfall. But, since you haven't read the book you shouldn't worry about thats. But please, please don't let my views insult you. I don't mean anything of the kind. I just want to debate TTT and its wrongs (in my eyes) and why it isn't near as authentic as FotR.<P>P.S. Man what I had to go through to put his post up first an electircal faliure then I couldn't contact my Internet provider. If I had put it up when I wrote it it would have been up two posts ago.<p>[ December 22, 2002: Message edited by: Túroch ]
For the valour of the Edain the Elves shall ever remember as the ages lengthen, marvelling that they gave life so freely of which thay had on earth so little. But it is not for thy valour only that I send thee, but to bring into the world a hope beyond thy sight, and a light that shall pierce the darkness." Ulmo - Lord of waters
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