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Old 12-26-2002, 08:31 PM   #164
The Necromancer
Pile O'Bones
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: out of NOWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posts: 18
The Necromancer has just left Hobbiton.

Hello, everyone! Just saw TTT this afternoon and I'm back now to add my most definitive review!!! First of all, I need to say just how much I had looked forward to this movie! During like all my spare time (or boring moments during school!) I thought and day-dreamed about Lotr, TTT, Lotr, TTT, Lo..well you get the point! And I was not at all disappointed when I finally did see the movie! Regardless of how much it deviated from the book (and it sure did!) it was just so good to see all the characters again (especially Frodo, my favorite after a whole year! At the very beginning, the feel and atmosphere of TTT was so different from FOTR, it took me awhile to get into the movie, but once I did, I didn't want it ever to end! But of course, it wasn't perfect and I'll list things I found fault with first and then the things I liked so I can end on a positive note!<BR>First of all, the scenes with Aragorn and Arwen, though very touching and romantic and not improper like I was afraid they'd be from some of the previews I'd seen, left me confused. I know they were flash backs, but I was wondering where they were, and when. The scene where Arwen sees into the future to Aragorn's death really confused me. He had aged and looked old but she looked exactly the same and I was left wondering why she hadn't aged with him because did she not give up her immortality? I never did understand that in the books and was hoping the movies would clear that up for me, I don't know...that was really sad when she was walking through the trees all alone, wasn't it? And when did he give her back her necklace??? When we last saw them in FOTR, she had just given it to him on the bridge...OK, I'm really confused now...I'll move on...<BR>A second thing I find fault with was King Theoden. He just annoyed me for some reason, sorry I can't really say why; I thought after Gandalf released him from Saruman's spell (wasn't that a really cool scene?!?!?) he would be, I don't know, spry and nicer and more assertive, but he was just kind of grouchy. <BR>A third thing I didn't was that some of the scenes didn't seem to fit together. It was like they had cut too much. Like Faramir (who was so different from the book Faramir they might as well have given him a different name and skipped F. altogether, but I won't get into that!) how would he have known that Boromir was dead? In the book, he sees the funeral boat in a dream or something, but in the movie, I felt they needed to explain that more. In fact, before I went to see TTT, I cheated. I bought a photo guide of it..forgive me...and I counted at least 2 scenes they showed in the book that were not in the movie. One was a picture of Gollum when he was Smeagol and looked like a hobbit. It said in the book that as they journey to Mordor, he tells Frodo and Sam how he stole the ring from his cousin and there's a picture of them fishing together, and there was nothing like that in the movie! Another was that Faramir supposedly leads Frodo and Sam to the sewers so they could pass under the orc sentries unnoticed (which I was glad was not in the movie because then people who had not read the books might think that Tolkien maybe kind of copied off Les Miserables). So does anyone know where those scenes went to??? <BR>And lastly, when Legolas and Gimli think Aragorn is dead and he comes to Helm's Deep and Legolas, instead of crying "Aragorn! You aren't dead! I'm so glad! (OK, now I know THAT would have sounded really stupid, but I'm not a script writer!) he says "You're late." That made me mad. It just seemed so trite and unemotional. Anyone else agree?<BR>Now to the things I thought were really good!!! The Dead Marches were so cool! They were actually even scarier than I had imagined, I was holding my breath when Frodo fell underwater and the dead people were after him! And Gollum was really good and sort of like the book Gollum. It's amazing what you can do with computers now, isn't it? My sister, who is interested in Psychology, loved his split personalities, the good Smeagol and the evil Gollum arguing with each other!!! The scenes where Legolas slides down the stairs on the shield firing arrows, jumps up on the galloping horse, etc. were really cool!!! But the part where the orc is running with the torch to set off the bombs and Aragorn yells to Legolas to shoot him, does Legolas actually for once miss? I had dropped some popcorn or something and looked away from the screen for just a second and then there was the orc still running with the torch and setting them off, so could someone tell me what happened? (If anyone's read this far, that is, this is getting too long, I know!) And I really liked the wolf creatures the orcs rode; that was an exciting battle scene. My very favorite part and I have no idea why it is, was where Frodo, Sam and Gollum are at the black gate to Mordor and the rock Sam stands on falls and he gets caught in the rock slide and slides down the hill with it and Frodo comes after to rescue him and they almost get caught by the creepy looking guards. I loved that part!!! And finally, the beginning, with Gandalf falling down the chasm or whatever you'd call it in Moria with the balrog and it turning out to be Frodo's dream was such a cool and unexpected beginning. There! That's my review! I'm really kind of surprised more of us Tolkien fans didn't like this movie; I loved it! But I try to enjoy the movie and the books seperately so all the character changes don't bother me so much. Oh! One more thing I liked, or rather that reassured me: Shelob is going to be in ROTK! She isn't going to be left out afterall! ( I liked how evil and nasty Gollum sounded when he said "She might do it!") I would have DIED if that spider had been left out! So with all the things plus Shelob that have to happen in ROTK, it's going to be one exciting movie! But in the meantime, I can't wait to go see TTT again!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for reading my review!!!
"Come back! Come back! To Mordor we will take you!"
--Ringwraiths to Frodo
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