Thread: Your Ideal Cast
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Old 01-19-2003, 04:35 PM   #25
Haunting Spirit
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: East Bight
Posts: 67
Nieninque has just left Hobbiton.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> Jude Law (Gattaca, Road to Perdition) for Legolas. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <BR>I saw Jude in Gattaca, and he was very good, in fact he reminded me of Orlando a bit... BUT I doubt he has<BR>the grace or humility that Orlando has when he portrays Legolas. I've always loved Orlando as Legolas, and NOT<BR>because he's good-looking. Plus Jude Law is too big of a star. I noticed that PJ/the casting director picked<BR>fairly unknown people: Elijah was sort of well-known, but he wasn't a big star, both Sir Ians and Christopher<BR>Lee had seen their day but (I really really hate to say this) were sort of forgotten to the acting world, Billy<BR>and Dominic, as well as Orlando, were complete unknowns... the list goes on. <P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>I always think Zoolander when I think of Ben Stiller. Imagine Faramir giving his Blue Steel look to the Nazgul!<BR><HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <P>OMG that would be so hilarious!!<P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> I thought that Jason Isaacs (Daddy Malfoy) was awesome in Chamber of Secrets. I think he would have made a great Glorfindel.<BR> <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Yes yes! He would have made a great evil person as well... perhaps Faramir & Boromir's father (not that he's<BR>evil, but he's mean to Faramir)<P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>I think David Bowie would have made a PERFECT Elrond! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>I don't think /perfect/, because I'm drawing my opinion from Labyrinth as well, but he'd probably be good. And<BR>he's no stranger to makeup, ornate hair, and fineness *grin*
Legolas: A red sun rises in the East. Blood has been spilt this night.
Aragorn: Goddamn elf's talking to himself again! I'm surrounded by weirdos...
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