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Old 05-06-2003, 10:44 AM   #115
Zombie Cannibal
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HCIsland has just left Hobbiton.

I thought I'd drag this back up. It would be good to have one place where we can keep track of what we think will be the changes in RotK. This can combine information from interviews, articles, pictures and just plain guessing. It would also be nice if we could keep this about what we THINK will happen as opposed to what we HOPE will happen. There's plenty of threads for complaining about no Scouring of the Shire, how much you hate Arwen and how there's no way they can repair the damage to Faramir.<P>This is what I've got. I apologize for the length.<P>Scouring of the Shire: No scouring. It ain’t gonna be there. I imagine there will be some kind of hobbit homecoming and I would think they would have to play how different these guys are from when they left so it wouldn’t surprise me if there is some incident in which Sam, Merry and Pippin show who’s boss. Perhaps something involving the Sackville-Bagginses and Bag End?<P>Saruman & Wormtongue: Without the Scouring of the Shire, obviously something different has to be done with Saruman and Wormtongue. It seems at least Saruman’s death will be at Orthanc and it seems likely Wormtongue will bite the big one at the same time. I suspect this will all be fairly early in the film as Saruman’s tale in the war is largely done and it’s time for him to be removed to make room for the big guy.<P>Sauron: Word has it Sauron will take physical form. The question is, will this be early or late in the film? My guess is early. With Saruman’s demise the movie will need a villain front and center. In fact, I would guess that Sauron will take physical form before Saruman is killed which would put it very early in the movie.<P>Arwen: So what will they be having Arwen do through this movie? It seems pretty certain that she will be delivering Andúril to Aragorn early in the film. Will the Dúnedain be there? Personally, I don’t think so. Arwen’s brothers? Maybe, though certainly their roll will be extremely small if they are mentioned by name at all. I think it is very likely Arwen will show up with an entourage of elves, so having them led by Elrond’s sons does seem a possibility at least. I think the real question is what happens to Arwen after this scene? Does she travel with Aragorn through the Paths of the Dead (Please God, no)? Even worse would be her traveling with the Rohirrim. Perhaps she’ll have a little tête-à-tête with Eowyn? Wouldn’t that be awkward?<P>I think we need to get Arwen out of there but still have her in the movie. Here comes my theory. Aragorn tells her he can’t do what he needs to do with her around and she agrees to leave. Taking a few elves with her, she leaves for Lothlórien to talk things over with Grammy. Likely Elrond can show up later and they can hash this all out.<P>The Palantir: Wormtongue throwing the palantir from Orthanc is one of my favourite scenes and I hope it’s kept. Either way I think the whole deal with Pippin and the palantir will be kept. My guess is that the main difference will be that Gandalf will take the palantir with him to Minas Tirith and Aragorn will not look into it and challenge Sauron until after the Battle of Pelennor Fields.<P>Faramir: But without Aragorn challenging Sauron, why would there be a Battle of Pelennor Fields in the first place? You are forgetting the added scenes at Osgiliath at the end of Two Towers. Early in the film Frodo, Sam and Gollum will find themselves before the gates of Minas Morgul and, as in the book, the Witch King will emerge from the gates leading an army. Frodo will correctly guess that they are going to Osgiliath to seize the Ring. Faramir will defend the city for a while but when it is clear that they will not be able to keep the hosts of Mordor from crossing, he will send a scout to Edoras to seek the aid of Rohan. By then Aragorn and company will be at Edoras and will learn that Faramir will be forced to retreat to Minas Tirith to make a final stand there. This spurs the ride of the Rohirrim and Aragorn’s crossing of the Paths of the Dead. Faramir fans should get some battle scenes with him.<P>Frodo & Sam: These should be the ones that carry the film and, thankfully, they have a fair amount to do. With Shelob and Cirith Ungol the majority of action and tension in the first half of the film should be coming from these two, as it should be. After that, I suspect much of the journey across Gorgoroth will be shortened, especially the marching with the orcs, which visually I just can’t see how they can make work. They’ll have to have an encounter with Gollum to remind the audience he is still on their trail and undoubtedly they will see the armies of Mordor gathering to the Black Gates as the land of Mordor itself is emptied. Another of my favourite scenes is when Sam and Frodo throw away their gear and it’s looking like we will get that.<P>Merry: Word has it Merry will be with the armies of the west in front of the Black Gates. I can see this because if they don’t have him go you are effectively taking one of your major characters out of the film for a half hour or so. This leads to the next question.<P>Houses of Healing: Obviously Merry is not going to be hurt bad enough to warrant him staying behind. I guess he and Eowyn are able to shrug off the effect of killing the Witch King. Personally, I think the Houses of Healing will be much down played. I can see them giving Aragorn a scene with Faramir as it will likely echo very nicely with Aragorn’s final scene with Boromir, but I don’t think they’ll do the whole hands of a healer stuff. Aragorn’s skill as a healer just hasn’t really been played upon. Will Arwen be here? It would be tempting as it gives her something to do and it’s a damn sight better than her marching to the Black Gates (which is still a distinct possibility). Personally, if she is going to show up here I hope it is after Aragorn and his armies have left and Eowyn has already met Faramir. Eowyn and Arwen can then have a little girl talk and diss Aragorn. Arwen: Do you know he leaves the toilet seat up? Eowyn: The pig! You’d never do that would you Faramir dear? Faramir: Are you kidding? I can’t even pee standing up.<P>The White Tree: No hide nor hare of a mention of this but I still have my hopes. It may be completely gone, but it would not take much to establish it. Pippin could see the dead tree as he travels through Minas Tirith with Gandalf and ask Gandalf about it. Either way, I doubt we would get Aragorn finding the shoot on the mountain side. That would take too much time. Perhaps it will just bloom magically after Sauron is defeated. I’m sure that will get on the nerves of some of you.<P>H.C.<p>[ May 07, 2003: Message edited by: HCIsland ]
"Stir not the bitterness in the cup that I mixed myself. Have I not tasted it now many nights upon my tongue, foreboding that worse yet lay in the dregs."
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