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Old 05-26-2003, 08:13 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: With Gambit, ambushing VanimaEdhel, most likely
Posts: 117
DayVampyre has just left Hobbiton.
The Eye Which Finger was that again?

***Warning, possible spoilers, but only if you haven't read the Books***<P><BR>Alright, so let's head back to the beginning of the Fellowship movie.<P>When Sauron is doing his whole spikey toaster impression, he is wearing the Ring on his pointer finger, right?<P>Now we flash foward to when the hobbits are hiding from the Black Rider under the log, Frodo almost puts the ring on his pointer finger[I am going somewhere with this]<P>Same deal in Bree and at the end of the movie when Frodo is running away from Boromir. <P>Having set that up, I was flipping around in the ROTK last night and having got to the part where Sam is back in Rivendell, he notices Frodo's mangled hand. It is his ring finger that has been bitten off not the pointer finger becuase that was obviously the finger that the Ring had been on.<P>While a missing ring finger is odd, isn't a missing pointer finger more so?<P>Seeing as the Ring has only been on people's pointer fingers in the movie I don't think Frodo is going to go,<P>"Right then, now that I'm daft and inside Mount Doom, I wonder how the Ring would look on my ring finger instead of pointer finger"<P>Small thing I know, but I still can't help it. A missing pointer finger is just plain wrong. Try it yourself...
~~Your finger hired the crew?
~No, that's silly. The man who lives in my finger hired the crew, Mr. Bimbol.
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