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Old 10-09-2003, 02:31 AM   #18
Shire Flower
Pile O'Bones
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 25
Shire Flower has just left Hobbiton.

Pippin - I love his optimism and cheerful nature. A lot of people think he's not very smart, but I disagree. He did some stupid stuff by accident, but it seemed like a good idea to him at the time and he thought of no reason why his actions would endanger others or himself. The quest is all one big adventure for him, an epic hobbit walking-party. I admired Pippin's compassion when he helped Merry to the Houses of Healing after he stabbed the Witch King. Pippin tried to reassure Merry that he was going to live, even though he probably wondered that himself. This scene in the books just seemed so realistic to me. <P>Sam - He's an incredibly loyal and humble guy who loves ale, gardening, animals and stories and tales of adventure. Even though Frodo suffered the most because of fear, depression and the weight of the ring, Sam had it bad too. He had to watch Frodo suffer, and he couldn't do anything about it. He tried his best to encourage Frodo, even though he did not have the ultra cheerful personality of Pippin. He still was an optimist, though, and always held onto a shred of hope that maybe somehow, someway they would get back home, back to their friends, food and the gardens of the Shire.<P>Frodo - He's so horribly noble. Even though prospect of going hundreds of miles away from home on a one-way trip to the most horrible land imaginable terrified him, he was determined to destroy the ring and save Middle Earth, or die trying. He might have repeatedly have said that there was no hope, but he fought his despair and kept going on to the Cracks of Doom. He didn't just give up even though all the odds were horribly against him. I liked his kindness and mercy and the fact he was a bit of a pacifist. He even worried about people he had just met (He thought of Faramir when watching the army go out of the Morgul Vale and wondered if he would be OK). Poor little guy...
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