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Old 10-22-2003, 07:03 AM   #7
The Saucepan Man
Corpus Cacophonous
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The Saucepan Man has been trapped in the Barrow!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> I know some people think this speech is made by Theoden ... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Actually, I think that it's just me. <P>And, since I seem to be in a minority of one, I might as well state my case, which I shall do by reference to the posts that I have previously made on this subject on other threads:<P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> The gist of the speech is that a day may come when man will forsake his fellow man and break the bonds of fellowship, but that it is not this day … why would Aragorn be saying such a thing? It makes much more sense to me as Theoden rallying the Riders of Rohan after deciding to ride to Gondor in response to its request for aid. <P>You are right … that we see Aragorn rallying his troops during much of that voiceover and that it leads into Aragorn's rallying cry: "This day, we fight!". But I think that the voiceover has been edited in over these scenes for dramatic effect. For the reasons that I have stated, I believe that the voice is that of Thedoen. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> Even official websites get things wrong. I'm still holding out for Theoden. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> I ask only one question. Why would Aragorn be saying that this is not the day when friends will be forsaken and bonds of fellowship broken? He is fighting for his Kingdom and, ultimately, the fate of Middle Earth, not for any distinct group of "friends" with whom he has "bonds of fellowship". The only conceivable explanation, to my mind, is that he is talking about fighting to buy Frodo time. But that's hardly a suitable basis for a morale boosting speech for his troops. <P>On the voice alone, I cannot tell. It could be either. And, of course the editing of the trailer does suggest that it is Aragorn. But it is the subject matter of the speech that leads me to think that it is Theoden. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>And, finally, the "coup de grace" - an extract from a report on some website (CHUD?) made by someone who saw the 20 minute preview of the film:<P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> Theoden gives a rousing speech about the danger they're about to face, but then rides up and down the line, bopping his sword against the tips of the many lances in a salute of sorts before leading the charge down the hill to the orcs … It's a hell of a rousing speech and really gets you ready for "whatever" comes next. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Yes, there will probably be many rousing speeches in the film. But it makes sense to me that they would show, in the 20 minute preview, the speech used in the trailer. After all, they don't want all of the rousing speeches to be "out there" before the film comes out. And, according to this report, Theoden's speech is made just before the Rohirrim charge out onto the Pelennor. Well, those are the very images that the speech accompanies in the trailer.<P>As regards the voice, I have listened again and again to the speech in the trailer, and gone back to lines said by Aragorn and Theoden in TTT, and I am now convinced that it is Bernard Hill speaking. For one thing, it sounds to me more like an Englishman speaking than an American doing an English accent. In other words, the accent is pretty good, whereas Viggo's sometimes slips in the films. And secondly, it just <I>sounds</I> like Bernard Hill to me. There is something in the voice that makes me picture him when I hear the speech.<P>So, there it is. Although I think the case for Theoden is pretty strong, I strongly suspect that I shall continue to remain in my minority of one. <P>Well, we shall know soon enough ...<P>Edited to add: By the way, just to be clear in view of the title to this thread, I do of course accept that it is Aragorn in the trailer saying "This day we fight!". But I do not believe that those words are part of the speech that precede them in the trailer. Rather, I think that they have been edited together.<p>[ October 22, 2003: Message edited by: The Saucepan Man ]
Do you mind? I'm busy doing the fishstick. It's a very delicate state of mind!
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