Thread: Evil things
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Old 02-25-2004, 10:42 AM   #2
Hot, crispy nice hobbit
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Troll's larder
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Hot, crispy nice hobbit has just left Hobbiton.
I don't think there had been a great deal of mention about the names of those Maiar that were corrupted by Morgoth in the Silmarrillion. Balrogs, spirits of fire, are Maiar, and the chief among them is Gothmog. Sauron/Gorthaur was a Maiar of Aule. But that was about all... if one is to also include the names of orc captains that were said to be 'lesser Maiar'. But which orc captains were Maiar exactly, I could not be too sure. *smacks self for misplacing BoLT and HoME*

Anyway, there had been much debates about whether dragons had Maiar spirits. Ungoliant, the Spider Mother, was not stated as a Maiar... but she could have been, due to the 'obscurity of Elven-lore' before the chaining of Melkor. (There was only darkness in the great Void before the making of Arda, and after Genesis, Evil came only with the arrival of Satan - Melkor)

Orcs, Trolls and all of the other nasties were not created by Melkor and Co. They were only results of genetic experiments He performed on men, elves and whatnots. Men, on the other hand, were said to be corrupted by him right from the start... one story from The History of Middle-Earth X: Morgoth's Ring, said that Morgoth approached Men and deceived them into thinking that he is Eru.
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