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Old 03-05-2004, 09:51 PM   #78
Elanor the Fair
Pile O'Bones
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 17
Elanor the Fair has just left Hobbiton.

Yeah Sam has been my favorite character since the first time that I saw the movie. Then when I read the books I fell in love with him even more! Funny, the only problem that I saw in the Hobbit was that Sam was not in it! Where I live, I am surrounded by legolas or Froto fans so I don't have any one to talk to. Even if I try to bring up a conversation about Sam my friends would say the 'O' word. (obsession)

There are many things about sam that I admire, such as of coarse his loyalty and bravery. But also his courage and honesty. I even tried to write an English paper on the person that we admire the most, but it had to be an acttural person.

I am totally against the whole Sam is gay thing. I mean, Sam loved Frodo but not in that kind of way; it was in a brotherly way. Plus it wouldn't make since with the fact that he married Rosie. They were just very close friends that's all.

And one of my most favorite lines are "If I can't carry it for you, I'll carry you" (I may have not gotten the wordinf right on that) and of coarse the" Well, I'm back." line!

I do really hope that people will start giving Sam the respect that he deserves. I have started at my school by turning SOME of my friends into "sam fans" as I like to call them!
"I ain't been droping no eves sir, honest."
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