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Old 03-12-2004, 09:52 AM   #101
Spirited Weaver of Fates
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Nerindel has just left Hobbiton.
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Orual I have pm'd you my post.

Daniel I have deleted my save, Orual is going to paste my post above hers. It takes us to night time and I was hoping you could take us the rest of the way to dawn were we can perhaps be awoken to the cries of the watch as they see smoke rising in the distance.

in fact I think I will paste it here just so you don't have to wait.


Astalder sat tall upon his Rohirrim bred horse, a black charger named Taayar, looking upon the men that would be accompanying him to the Southern watch tower. He fought the urge to pull at his tunic collar as an uneasy tightness grew in his throat, He was no leader of men, yes he could guide and counsel when required and he had proven himself many times in battle, but leadership! He had always shunned that responsibility, convincing himself that he could better serve and protect his kin with the might of his sword, but here he was, with twelve pairs of eyes intently watching him, expectantly waiting for him to speak, delivering their orders. Clearing his throat, as much to get their attention as to dislodge the growing lump in his throat, he turned to address them.

“As you may or may not be aware, reports have come in reporting that a contingent of Haradrim warriors crossed the Harnen, now six days past these reports also suggest that they may be heading this way! Captain Anhelm is dispatching us to ride to the southern boarders to assess the situation; we are also to instruct the watch in the towers to set beacons at the first sign of any hostility from the enemy, it may yet be that they just wish to make their presence felt, but we must be prepared for anything !” He paused briefly to allow the importance of their new orders to sink in, then raising his sword he ordered them to fall in.

Turning Taayar he led the twelve riders through the village, towards the main gate. The settlers stopped to watch their procession and he could see the uneasiness in their eyes. “Astalder” A familiar voice pulled him from the faces of those he was charged with protecting and with a loving smile he looked on the face of his wife and son. “Astalder, you are riding out today? She asked. He could hear the trace of worry in her voice as she spoke, though she tried to hide it. “When will you be back?” she continued looking at the supplies strapped to his horse as she walked along side his horse. “Two, perhaps three days” he said trying to reassure her, but her deepening frown told him that he had failed.

“It’s true isn’t it…? What they are saying, the southerner are sending their army to drive us out!” she said lowering her voice so as little Falmir could not hear her words, Astalder’s usually thoughtful blue grey eyes went wide with surprise at her words, it had only been a few hours since the scout arrive with the news and already word had spread through the settlement. It pained him greatly to see fear in the proud and usually strong willed woman’s eyes. He halted his horse gesturing for his company to continue on to the gate, then turned back to look at his wife.

“We do not know that!” he answered gently, “They may just be making their presence felt.” then realising that this was the second time he had used those exact words he shook his head. “I will know more on my return; just promise me that the two of you will stay within the walls of the settlement.” Fëawyn nodded her understanding as he reached out to brush a stray strand of her soft golden hair from her face. “Promise me you will return!” She whispered taking hold of his hand as he ran it down her pale cheek. “I promise that if it is in my power I will return!” he answered bending over and kissing her lightly on the forehead.

“And you little man, look after your mother while am gone!” he smiled tousling the young lads hair. “Yes sir!” the lad answered seriously, raising his small hand in a salute, which made Astalder laugh, “I will be back soon!” he again reassured Fëawyn, then with a last look at his family he set off again, catching up to his company as they passed through the strong wooden gates.

“Sir if you don’t mind me asking how far is it to the boarder post?” He turned to face the tall dark haired young man who issued the question, “Roughly a day and half’s riding.” He answered watching the roquen’s somewhat innocent face as he made the calculations, nodding as the young man came to the same conclusion he had. “We won’t get to them in time!” he exclaimed lowering his voice to a whisper, “we should be making haste!”

“And we will” Astalder assured him “just as soon as we are out of sight of the settlement” To his relief the young man had understood his reasoning and did not question his decision. “What is your name?” he asked the roquen. “Khalad, Sir” the young man replied, his dark blue eyes fixed on the road ahead.

“Well Khalad my name is Astalder and we are of the same rank so there is no need to be calling me sir, in fact it maybe that I will need someone at my side who is not afraid to question my actions!” he smiled, then standing up in his stirrups he looked back and seeing the Poros settlement fade into the distance he gave the order to make haste informing his company that they would not be stopping till nightfall.

They where less than a few hours out when the heavens opened upon them and it did not abate for the remainder of the day, drowning the already low spirits of the riders, by nightfall both horses and riders were cold, wet and hungry. Astalder sent Khalad and two other ahead to find somewhere to make camp, they returned shortly and led them to a wooded area a short distance ahead, the company then dismounted and began to set up camp. The horses were feed, a fire lit and a meal prepare, after everyone had eaten, he set the watch, four men to switch every two hours. He then seated himself next to the fire and listened to the conversations of the men and as they shared past deeds and tales of old, he sharpened his sword, feeling every notch of the Heirloom of Minas Ithil as he ran the wetting stone down it’s edge and even as he did he felt almost certain that he would have need of her soon.
"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live" ~ Mark Twain.
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