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Old 03-25-2004, 01:36 PM   #36
Vice of Twilight
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Nurumaiel has just left Hobbiton.
Shield Liornung

It would have been hard to say who was more startled, Liornung or Maercwen. Liornung of course was quite startled that a strange young man should come rushing up to him and embrace him, but Maercwen was equally as startled when she saw no flicker of recognition in Liornung's face. She had believed he knew nearly everyone in Rohan.

He was thinking deeply. The Westfolds? Something stirred in Liornung's memory. He did recall a wide-eyed lad hanging onto every word of every song and every note of a tune. He remembered a lad telling him that he too would be a bard. Faint though the memory was, it grew stronger with every moment that passed.

"I almost recall your name," he said, gazing into those eyes which were surely the same. He stood there blankly a moment, then a laugh burst from him and he returned the embrace with great fire. "I do believe it is Hearpwine!" he cried. "Oh, you never let me alone as long as I was at your parent's home. I did know my fiddle could charm the hearts of young lads and lassies, but so well as for them to remember me despite such long years? I am more accomplished than I thought."

"You seem," said Hearpwine, "to be better in your trade, unless my ears hear amiss. I do recall when I first met you that you were almost frightened to sing a song, though you did with all courage you could muster, which was indeed a terrible amount of courage."

Liornung laughed and put an arm about Hearpwine's shoulders, leading him towards the Inn. "My courage has increased most greatly," he said. "I've taken to composing some songs myself. Not very many, mind. I do tend to sing more of the old songs than my own works, but I do work out my own from time to time. The only one who has ever heard me sing a song that I composed myself was a good man who lives here in Edoras. But tonight for the first time to friends and strangers alike they shall hear my own songs. The good Miss Aylwen is arranging a party here at the Horse tonight to celebrate the events of the War of the Ring. And you tell me that you are to become Bard of the King?"

"I fully intend to," Hearpwine replied, confidence written all over his face. "I shall be very surprised if I do not gain that honor."

"As will I," said Liornung. "As will I, for I am not competing. If I were, young lad, you shouldn't stand a chance." Both of them laughed quite loudly and were about to enter the Inn when a devastated expression crossed Liornung's face and he whirled Hearpwine around. "I am a most rude fellow," he said woefully. "In my excitement at seeing you again, and a fine young bard rather than an enchanted little boy, I have forgotten my niece Maercwen." Proper introductions were made, and Liornung most politely invited her to sit with them and listen to their songs. "Now as you have said, good Hearpwine, let us sing this night away in the grand party that is to ensue. And I will see if my fiddle still bears the power of enchanting you."
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