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Old 06-23-2004, 06:49 PM   #393
Illusionary Holbytla
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Join Date: Dec 2003
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Firefoot has been trapped in the Barrow!
It was all Lily could do to keep a nasty look off her face when Iadarion came over to the table. She was now confident that she did not like him, whether for a particular reason or no. She kept her eyes off him, and politely declined when he called for a round of ales. She didn't mind that other people drank beer, as long as they didn't get drunk, but she herself could not stand the taste.

She kept her eye on Posco. She was feeling slightly protective of him, now that he seemed to have completely retreated into himself with the arrival of the other people. He kept his eyes trained on his empty coffee cup. She wished he would look up at her, give her a small smile to let her know he was all right. That, and if she would admit it to herself, she was starting to like him. A lot. He was so different than every other hobbit she had ever met.

She was distracted when she noticed Posco was looking away at something. Or someone, rather. She followed his gaze to another hobbit, his brother. His name was... Blanco, yes that was it. He walked confidently over to the table, smiling at her. She was sure of it. Posco had made him sound like a nice enough hobbit, and she was curious to meet his brother. He was a good deal neater than Posco, but other than that their looks were about the same.

"Miss Lily, I am more than honored to meet you," he said, bowing low. She blushed slightly, and the corners of her mouth quirked upwards. How different from Posco he was!

"It is nice to meet you, Blanco," said Lily. "And please, just call me Lily. I am not accustomed to being called 'miss'." The words seemed very familiar in her mouth; it had not been that long ago that she had told Posco the same thing. She had never liked formalities much, because they seemed to get in the way of really getting to know someone. Blanco beamed, as if she had just awarded him something. He took a seat across the table. Lily guessed that it was mostly because Posco was on one side of her and Mira on the other, for he had only introduced himself to her and not to Mira or Iadarion.

Then she turned her attention back to Posco. He seemed somewhat comforted by his brother's presence, and she smiled. As far as Lily could tell, he would only say more than two words at a time if he was comfortable, and Lily wanted him to be comfortable so that she could get to know him better.
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