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Old 06-26-2004, 03:11 PM   #421
Illusionary Holbytla
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Firefoot has been trapped in the Barrow!
Lily stood for a while, staring at the door which Posco and his friends had left by. She seemed to remember herself after a while, and realized the envelope Marcho had given her was still in her hand. She wondered what on earth Marcho could have to say to her that he had not wanted her to read just yet. She placed the letter in her apron pocket, and decided she would open it later, in the privacy of her room.

Iadarion had left, she noticed, and Mira was now the only one left of their small group. Lily yawned. She remembered how late she had stayed up last night. She had no desire to remain downstairs and chat with Mira; she wanted to sleep.

"I believe that I too shall bid you a good night," said Lily. "I am quite tired, as I believe that you are as well, after last night." Mira nodded. "Good night, then," she said. Lily turned around towards the stairs across the room, and in doing so she caught yet another glance of the doorway. She smiled happily, somewhat dazedly, but she was able to make her way through the Common Room without meriting any notice. All she could think of was the last look Posco had given her, after she had kissed him. She was blissfully happy. I wonder if this is what love feels like...

She made it to her room, and prepared for bed. As she was doing so, she remembered the letter Marcho had given her. She pulled it out of her pocket, and carefully undid the seal. She was met with a piece of parchment full of bold, neat script. She scanned the letter before settling down to read it. It seemed that he had written of Posco and Blanco to her. She frowned, and warily set in to read the letter.

To Miss Lily of Bree; staying at the Green Dragon,
I hope that I am not to be too bold here, but having been put as Posco Brandybuck's guardian while he is away from his parents compells me to write to you and speak with you on a very delicate subject. In short, I have gathered from the way the two of you look at each other that you are beginning to have feelings for each other. That is well and good; Posco's parents would find you, as I have, a very fine young lass. However if you seriously intend to one day marry him, you may find it difficult because of his shyness. Again, I hope I do not speak too boldly, for you have only known each other an evening. Yet my mother once told me that love works fast; one will know who they love in the space of the minute. What takes time is finding if they really do love this one and want to spend their entire lives with them. If way you look at Posco can give any hint, you are beginning to consider this.

If you want to marry Posco, which I don't say you do but suspect you will sooner or later by the way you look at him, I think you might appreciate some advice. I do not say I know him very well but you must agree I know him better than you do. He is shy. I think you know this much. It will make things difficult, and so you must be patient. When the appropriate time comes for him to propose he will not do so. He'll want to, I reckon, but he'll be too shy. You must take every opportunity to be alone with him or he'll hide within himself and never speak. You might have seen this. When there is no other company you must be bold with him. If you're both reserved you'll never get anywhere. Posco will begin to wonder if you actually love him or not. I haven't much room on this parchment so I must move on, but if you want further advice you must ask me tomorrow.

Yet I must speak to you about Blanco. He's fallen fast in love with you, and he'll die trying to win you. I don't know how it happened for he had always seemed so in love with a lass back in Buckland, but it did happen and he's completely forgotten her. He'll ask you to marry him any day. He's a reckless, bold lad and it won't matter that he hasn't known you very long. He could ask you anytime tomorrow, or perhaps the next day. But I beg you, for Posco's sake, if you refuse Blanco do so in a way that does not put too much focus on Posco. Blanco is a very jealous type and while I doubt he would harm his twin I am not positive. It would, at any rate, spoil the wonderful relationship they have had.

I hope I have given you no offense by this letter, and I hope also I have not been too forward in speaking of love and marriage. I know a good deal about it even though I have never been in love myself. I am attempting to help both you and Posco through difficulties you might face with each other and with Blanco.

And so I am,
Yours sincerely,

Lily was touched, amazed, and slightly embarrassed at the letter all at the same time. Her opinion of Marcho was changed a fair way for the better, and though she was still a tad bit upset at him for his treatment of Posco earlier, she understood him much better now. She was honored by some of his comments, and grateful that he had taken the time to write these things, both concerning Posco and Blanco. She knew that the information would be crucial in her activities with the twins. She would need to talk to Marcho sometime tomorrow, and hopefully before she met up with Blanco. She scanned the letter again, and this time the one thing that should have been most obvious in the first reading became readliy apparent: Marriage. She supposed that, though it had never been a conscious thought, it had been at the back of her mind for a while.

She soon fell asleep after she got in bed: a true sign of her tiredness, for there were many various emotions and thoughts all swirling around in her head, and all of them evoked by three certain hobbits named Marcho, Blanco, and Posco.
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