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Old 06-30-2004, 07:29 AM   #435
Haunting Spirit
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: england
Posts: 64
nynnd1 has just left Hobbiton.

Bredan stirred from his sleep on the front lawn of the inn, he did not mean to drift off, but he had not known peace of mind and body like he felt at the moment. Bredan rolled to his right, still not completely awake, his eyes still seeing a distorted image of what appeared to be two people sitting together, embraced in love, it brought back feelings that Bredan had towards Aman and what he had felt for Iolet. He shut his eyes tight to try and force some life into them, and the grass tickled his ear, making him jump up. Bredan noticed the two lovers shock at this man who had sprung from the ground as it seemed.

“Hallo. What a lovely night.” Bredan said looking up at the sky. The couple nodded in shock at the man from Gondor.

Bredan brushed himself down and made sure he looked presentable, he still had his travelling clothes on as he was prepared to leave that night on his pursuit of the wildmen. Bredan looked at the grass where he had just slept, it was unusual in the fact that, where most lawns flatten when laid upon for a while, this grass seemed to bounce back and maintain perhaps the loveliest shade of green Bredan had ever seen, and that was a lot to say as Bredan grew up near Ithilen. Bredan also noticed that he felt more refreshed then he had after sleeping in the bed of the room he had at the Green Dragon, it was as if the grass had some magic about it, he then remembered part of the story of the fellowship, where the companions dwelt in Lothlorien, with the elf queen. Master Sam had got some soil from her, maybe the grass had some of this magic in it. Bredan could have stayed looking at the grass all night, and probably day as well, if it were not for the sounds and movements his stomach was making. Bredan’s senses were suddenly split, his sight was on the exquisite grass of the shire, but his sense of smell and his hearing were now directed towards the inn, it smelt and sounded like supper time, Bredan could already hear songs and bits of poetry, so doing a little jig he wandered to the inn.

Opening the door Bredan stepped in. Although his main priority was to eat and settle his hunger Bredan was in the mood for company, scanning the room he found that his eyes were not picking up anything, he was not blinded, it was just his sight was not picking out anything particular, just looking around aimlessly, Bredan found that his ears were what was attracting him to people for who he was hoping to dine tonight.

Bredan found himself drawn to the voice of a man at the bar, he looked at the direction his ears were willing him and noticed a man with dark hair to his shoulders and a worn out cape on his lap.

“You’re voice is very comforting and you’re songs intriguing, would you mind a bit of company for supper?”
I use my sword, narcatic, to uphold peace. Never for vengance.
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