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Old 07-09-2002, 09:43 PM   #27
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 195
Orome has just left Hobbiton.
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Here's a question. Both Saruman and Sauron were originally of the people of Aule. I know that Sauron was the probably the mightiest of the Maiar, but how is it that his craft is so far beyond Saruman's? They were both about the same age. Saruman stayed in Valinor while Sauron was in Middle Earth with Melkor. More than likely, that gave Saruman more time in the presence of Aule. It seems that he would learn more of forging from Aule than from studying Sauron evil from a distance. Was it that Sauron invented the lore of Rings of Power? or was it that Saruman did not really become interested in rings until coming to middle earth?
ok, i'll try to answer this question. The reason that Sauron's ring forging skills were so advanced beyond Saurons was that Saurin was able to study under Celebrimbor, who's ring-making skills were (probably) only surpassed by his grandfather. Celebrimbor taught sauron every thing he knew, and Saran did not have that oppourtunity

Also, how can you say "I know sauron was probabl the most powerful Maiar" that was never even alluded to in any of the books
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