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Old 07-16-2004, 06:30 PM   #7
Illusionary Holbytla
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Firefoot has been trapped in the Barrow!
The Story of Sauron's Long Lost Finger - as told by me.

You see, when the Finger cut off, Isildur took it and put it in his pocket, where he promptly forgot about it. When he returned to Minas Tirith, he had it mummified and placed in a small box. He brought the box with him on his way up the Anduin, where he was as everyone knows, waylaid by Orcs and killed. The Finger was not given to Ohtar to take to Rivendell, as Isildur was in the middle of battle and had much more important things to think about than Sauron's Finger. When Isildur tried to swim to safety, the box with the Finger floated out of his pocket to shore, where an Orc found it. The said Orc was actually one of the Goblins of Moria, and he took it back to the caves in the Misty Mountains. However, being a dim-witted sort of creature, he could not figure out how to open the box, and abandoned the box, for he had no use for something that he could not understand. The box laid in the tunnels until several hundred years later Gollum found the box and took it to his little island underneath the mountains. When he left to find Bilbo and his precious, he happened to take the little box with him. Miraculously enough, he was able to hide the box from Sauron when he went to Mordor, though he was not so lucky when he was captured by Aragorn and taken to Mirkwood. The Elves discovered the trick to opening the box, and realized what it actually was. Legolas then took it with him when he went to the Council of Elrond. It was there decided that it should be destroyed along with the Ring, as long as Frodo was going to Mt. Doom anyways. So Frodo took it with him, and when he got to Mt. Doom he had no trouble casting the Finger into the Fire (alas that the same could not be said of the Ring!). So ended the journey of Sauron's finger.
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