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Old 08-15-2004, 04:26 PM   #125
Bittersweet Symphony
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: On the jolly starship Enterprise
Posts: 1,814
Encaitare is a guest of Tom Bombadil.
*pets pretty Alan Lee-illustrated copy of LotR, realizes is in support group, and quickly shoves it under chair out of view*

Hi, my name is Encaitare, and I am a Downsaholic. It all started just by the occasional visit to I didn't even realize there *were* forums... and then I found out. Eventually out of curiosity I checked them out and started posting. It was JUST ONE POST! *bursts into tears* I ONLY TRIED IT ONCE, AND NOW I CAN'T STOP!!!!

Heh heh, actually I don't want to be cured. Perky's quiz says I'm not really a hardcore Downsaholic, but from the amount of time I spend here I think I am! Let's just hope I never get into the RPGs, then the obsession will get scary. I'm shirking doing AP American history assignments right now, and the Downs are infinitely more fun. But if the Downs are like a drug, can one be considered a Downs-dealer? Because I know I've said to my friends, "Hey... why dontcha go make an account on the Barrow Downs? Huh? *nudge nudge*"

That just brings to mind a funny image of me in a trenchcoat and a computer in a dark alley, luring unsuspecting LotR fans to their demise... cackle cackle
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