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Old 08-20-2004, 03:07 PM   #273
Spirit of Mist
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Tol Eressea
Posts: 3,329
Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.
From the moment that he had heard of the deep division between the Shapechanger tribes and the threat posed by Wyrma and her clan, he had been dreading the question that Rama had just posed. He and Airefalas had forged a friendship, albeit uneasy and suspicous, with Rama and some of her people. The Gondorians were now wholly subject to the power of the Eagle clan; both dependant upon their hospitality as well their good will. They were not now captives, though he suspected that this was not a matter which had been firmly decided. An honest answer to Rama's query could jeopardize both the Eagles' good will as well as the safety of himself and his first mate. Yet the thought of lying to those who had extended their friendship was distasteful.

He realized that all in the tent had fallen silent, waiting for his response. Drawing a deep breath, Mithadan spoke. "I have known Bird for nine years and my wife knew her for several years before that," he began. "She is a person that I would risk my life for, worthy of high praise. She is dark of skin and slight in build. Her hair is raven black but she has a streak of silver down the middle. She is a person of rare humor, yet she is fierce in the defense of her friends. Bird can take a number of shapes..."

"Then she is a maenwaith of great skill and power," interjected Rôg. "Many of us can take but one or two forms. Relatively few are those who can take three and I have known none who can take more than four."

Mithadan started a bit at this, for Bird had never seemed to be a person of great power. To him she was just...Bird, dear and funny with a wonderous gift. Nonetheless, he continued. "She can take the shape of an insect akin to the cricket which she calls a 'neeker-breeker'." Miri laughed and clapped her hands at this. "Her second form is a jackadaw; a black bird with sliver coloration. Bird can also take the form of a dolphin." This drew blank stares from Rôg and Miri; they had never heard of such an animal. Mithadan smiled.

"A dolphin is a sea creature," he explained. "A strong and agile swimmer longer than a man is tall. But it does not breathe underwater. It must surface from time to time for air."

Rôg seemed both surprised and impressed byt his. "An insect, a bird and a fish!" he murmured. "That is rare indeed!"

Mithadan was silent for a moment, tempted to wait and see if the others might assume that those were Bird's only forms. But Rama looked at him intently as if she could discern his thoughts. "She has another form?" Rama asked.

Mithadan nodded. "An Ent," he added. Again, the Shapechangers did not recognize the word. But even Aiwendil seemed surprised at this revelation. "Bird can take the form of an Ent?" he exclaimed. Seeing the confusion of the others, he explained. "An Ent is a Shephard of the Trees. One of the speaking people, but more like a tree than an Elf or a Man. Very tall, sometimes ten feet or more, with a thick hide. It is said that long ago the first Dark Lord made trolls in counterfeit of the Ents."

"But a maenwaith cannot take the form of one of the speaking peoples," cried Rama. "We cannot take the form of a Man, and Elf, a Dwarf or even an Orc. You must be mistaken."

"I have seen her take this form," Mithadan continued, almost reluctantly. "I cannot say how she does it but she can."

Aiwendil considered this for a moment, then spoke. "Long ago when the Ents first arose in the North, they were mute. They could not speak. But then they met the Elves and through long effort the Elder Race taught the Ents the trick of language. Perhaps that is why Bird can assume that form."

"Four shapes!" cried Rôg. "Two that fly, one that swims and another that walks and is tall and strong as well! I would like to meet this Bird. Four shapes!"

Mithadan shifted uncomfortably on his pillow. Rama's sharp eyes did not miss this movement. "Is there another?" she asked. "Can Bird take a fifth shape?"

Mithadan was silent for a moment. Then he sighed. "You must understand that I think very highly of Bird. She is a good friend that I love dearly. She is good-hearted and faithful. But I fear that you may not like what I am about to say. Please know that Bird is no more evil than I am."

Rama's eyes narrowed in confusion. "She can take a fifth shape?" she asked.

"Long ago, she was a member of my crew," he continued. "We found ourselves in a very difficult situation. We were attempting to save some people who were being attacked. We needed to find a way to perhaps carry them away from danger in numbers. I cannot speak more of this, but we too came under attack and Bird took a new form, one that I had once mentioned to her. I don't know that... She told me that the forms found her; that she could not choose her forms. But in this case she took exactly the form that I had mentioned. I had no idea if it was even possible, but she did it. And using that form we eventually saved many people from certain death..."

He looked up and his eyes met those of Rama. He held her gaze as if pleading for understanding. "Her fifth shape is a silver and black winged dragon..."
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