Thread: Evil
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Old 09-19-2004, 02:07 AM   #5
Hauntress of the Havens
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Lhunardawen has been trapped in the Barrow!

Originally Posted by Avie
I have always wondered about the Elves....willing to offer good will and best wishes but not actually involving themselves in the fight for Middle Earth (at least in the Third Age conflict). For that reason I never have particularly liked Elves. Elrond knew the way to Mount Doom...he'd been there before...but did HE offer to take the Ring there?If not why not? what had he to lose? Nancing over to the Havens and abandoning ME to it's fate is the evil of omission...not intentional but wrong nevertheless.
As a Peredhel myself, I would like to defend my kindred.

Yes, it does seem unfair that the Elves are not being very directly and physically involved with resisting the Enemy. That's at least what most see as they read LotR. But looking at the Appendix, we can see that the Elves had their share of the fighting in the War of the Ring. They did not march out to meet with them, but as Legolas said in RotK, the Enemy marched out into their lands, or something. Three times Lothlorien was attacked as Gondor and Rohan were, and they had to stay there to defend themselves. And earlier in the Third Age, the Wise had attacked Sauron at Dol Guldur.

But if we will look at it, they have fought more wars than anyone had. Most, if not all, of them have been around in the First Age, when they strove against Morgoth and the might of Angband. Whereas what has been left for the people in the Third Age is merely his servant, Sauron. They deserve whatever rest they can get in Middle-Earth after their long toil against the Enemy's predecessor. But even so, they still did their part in the War, insignificant though it seems (but certainly not so). And though they had the choice to leave ME earlier on, they chose to stay and continue what they have begun.

Last edited by Lhunardawen; 09-19-2004 at 02:11 AM.
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