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Old 02-01-2005, 08:23 PM   #82
Regin Hardhammer
Shade of Carn Dûm
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Tumunzahar/Nogrod
Posts: 364
Regin Hardhammer has just left Hobbiton.
1420! My Bio


Here it is. I'm excited for the game.

Name: Azarmanô Hazadbawîba/Elenfairë Ostovaivar

Race: Man/Númenorean

Gender: Male

Age: 85

Weapons: Azarmanô carries a longbow of the same type traditionally used in the Númenorean army. It is made of hollow-cored black steel with black-feathered arrows a full ell (45 inches) long. His great-grandfather was given this longbow for service to the King many years ago in a brighter time. Azarmanô has grown to be an excellent marksman, primarily using it to bring down game, but also in defending his ship against attack while on long sea voyages.

Appearance: Azarmanô stands firm at 6 foot 5 with shoulder length blonde hair that is the color of straw. His eyes shine with a vivid, scintillating blue.“Like sun, sparkling upon the face of the deep sea,” his father has often told him. He is slender, like his mother, and very well groomed. He often wears his favorite green wool cloak while sailing to repel water and offer protection against the buffeting winds.

Personality: Often with a smile on his face, Azarmanô generally takes a positive outlook on life, sometimes using his comic wit to get him through difficult situations. He is an excellent officer, aware of his men’s needs, striving to treat them in a just and equitable manner. Azarmanô is very much in love with his young wife and cares deeply for his son. He is aware of the need to balance his role as a ship’s captain with that of being a husband and father, and generally does a good job of this. His drive and determination coupled with his optimism and commitment to his loved ones define his personality and his basic view of life.

He is, however, very direct and can get impatient to finish the task at hand quickly and may become irritable. This impatience is currently exacerbated by the fact that his family is waiting to board the ship and sail, and he is separated from them.

History: Azarmanô comes from an ancient family, whose members originally worked as fishermen. Their knowledge of boats and the sea led them to become mariners, initially in the employ of the king. They had been one of the families that the Eldar had instructed in the art of navigation and deep sea voyaging. The Ostovaivars eventually rose to become independent shipwrights and ship-owners, but maintained close friendships with many of the Elven traders until the change of policies made such relations impossible. The Ostovaivars’ shipping interests continue to flourish. The family now commands one of the largest fleets in Númenor.

Azarmanô had been trained as an officer and was promoted to become the captain of his own vessel, the Gwaun, while still quite young. Over the years, he visited many settlements on Middle Earth, transporting Numenoreans and dealing various commodities with the local people. He strove to treat the locals with respect and compassion, offering them fair prices to the few who came to examine the goods he toted. His natural instinct was to teach them the art of catching fish, just as Azarmanô’s father had done for him. These lessons were difficult to depart, however, because the people were incredulous, some even hostile and many of their dealings with Númenor had left them with a strong distaste.

Despite Azarmanô’s best efforts, the relations between the men of Middle Earth and Númenor had been deteriorating since before his birth. Many Numenoreans oppressed the men of Middle Earth and made servants of them, without regard for their well-being. This savage treatment outraged Azarmanô and he vowed to redouble his efforts to befriend and aid them any way he could. His efforts had not been well received, but he resolved to continue in hopes that he could gain the trust of a few. But he had also found himself in situations where he had no choice but to unleash an arrow from his bow.

His father, whose fairë was tied to the sea, had acted as role model for Azarmanô and the son had always tried to live up to him. Although the father loved his son, he was often absent on trading missions in Middle-earth, so the boy did not see him very often. During these lengthy absences, his mother had to function on her own. She became very strong willed, a quality that she retained, never taking instructions from anyone other than her husband.

Azarmanô had married shortly after gaining the position of captain. His wife was a lovely woman named Eirien, the younger daughter of one of the nobles faithful to the Elven cause. Recently, the entire Ostovaivar family has been assisting Elendil in his plans for a possible emergency evacuation. Azarmanô’s wife, along with his mother, father, and two-year-old son Thoron, are presently back in Rómenna, waiting to depart on the Thor with the rest of the fleet.

Elendil had instructed Azarmanô to alert the remaining group in the west of the imminent departure to Middle-Earth, using one of his smaller, sleek vessels to ferry them about the southern coast of the Isle and back to the ships. He had departed for the west before the news of the imprisonment came.

- Regin
For once I myself saw with my own eyes the Sibyl at Cumae hanging in a bottle, and when the boys said to her: 'Sibyl, what do you want?' she replied, 'I want to die.'"

Last edited by piosenniel; 02-01-2005 at 09:42 PM.
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