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Old 02-27-2005, 03:40 PM   #167
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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White Tree

Sophia the Thunder Mistress' character

NAME: Kāthaanī Karķbzīr/ “Cerveth” Adaneth Melethroch

AGE: 32

RACE: Men, Nśmenorean

GENDER: Female

WEAPONS: Kāthaanī carries a long bladed (rather dull) knife with a tarnished silver hilt which she uses more frequently as a sort of all purpose tool than a weapon. She has been known to use it to pry open simple locks.

APPEARANCE: Cerveth is tall (about 6’2”) and more lean than slender. She is long-bodied and narrow, not muscular and slightly wider at the shoulders than the hips. She is dark of hair and grey of eye with a long nose and a well-defined jaw for a woman. She is quite clever with her hands and can manipulate various contraptions easily (locks, tack) She is somewhat ill at ease in the elaborate costumes of the Nśmenorean upperclass women feeling far more comfortable in simple dresses and with her hair pulled loosely out of her face, and will frequently wears men’s clothes when she needs to ride astride.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: Kāthaanī is impulsive, stubborn, and easily carried away—but rarely blatantly disobedient. She has a tendency to speak first and think about the consequences later, but as she matures she has begun to learn to control her tongue. She has a concrete sense of right and wrong; she has lived in a fairly sheltered world (even with the turmoil in Nśmenor) and has rarely encountered a situation where the moral choice is not instantly clear. She has never gotten along well with young women of her age, and consequently has spent much of her time with adults since her early teens. Because of this Kāthaanī considers herself extremely mature, whether or not her belief is correct is a different matter entirely.

HISTORY: Kāthaanī Karķbzīr was born the only child of Abārpānaru Karķbzīr and his wife, Inzillomķ, in midsummer of the year 3287. Often called Cerveth, after the month of her birth, she spent her childhood years in a large house on the inland side of Anduniė. She sometimes envied those who lived nearer the coast, but their house was ideally situated for her father’s horse breeding, opening as it did on the plains. Her childhood was as uneventful and sheltered as possible, given the circumstances in her homeland. The inner conflict in Nśmenorean society was almost unknown to her, even though her parents were among the Faithful, as they chose not to discuss it with her until she had reached a responsible age. Nevertheless, the values they taught her were the values of the Old Houses of Nśmenor. She is well read, her father studied with her as a child and during her youth she became familiar with much of the history of Nśmenor and some First Age history which has been preserved by the Faithful. She is one of the few Nśmenoreans of her generation to become fluent in Sindarin and has learned some words in Quenya as well.

Her father began training her in the care of his horses, and particularly the Kariborim as soon as she was old enough, and by her early teens she was an accomplished horsewoman with a sound understanding of her charges and several generations of the most important bloodlines memorized.

As Kāthaanī matured she began to realize that her parents’ views did not reflect the views of much of Nśmenorean society and she quickly became as ardently Faithful as the rest of her family. In her early twenties her family relocated to a smaller more modest house farther outside the city which quickly became the focal point for the group of the Faithful remaining in Anduniė (the Anannost?).

At the turn of the year 3319 Kāthaanī is taking more responsibility for Abārpānaru’s horses as he is taking more responsibility for the family’s political commitments. He has recently returned from a trip to Rómenna and announced that Elendil, the son of Amandil, will soon be leaving Nśmenor for the Elven Realms in Lindon. Kāthaanī is a little frightened by this news, as her father has every intention of leading the Anannost? to Rómenna to join the soon-to-be-Exiles as soon as possible. She is also disappointed because her father had promised her the foal from his planned breeding of Khibil and Lōmi, and it is unlikely that he will follow through with the breeding this spring if they will soon be traveling.


Sophia the Thunder Mistress'/littlemanpoet's post ------ FIRST FOR GAME

A heavy, grey sky hung over the capital city of Westernesse. Rain had fallen for the last three days and the air was thick with moisture. The white walls of Arminalźth shone dully in the semidarkness and the late Ivanneth trees clung stubbornly to their last brown leaves. The land trembled; the island had shifted several times in the recent past, and now she gave another quick heave as though irritated by the tall Men who walked on her shores. As the ground quieted the skies stirred, and the boiling grey clouds which hovered over Armenelos began to drop hail. A dark haired woman looked up at the sky as pea-sized bits of ice began to bounce off the ground around her feet. She grabbed the hands of two small children and ushered them inside. As the door closed loudly behind them the hail began to fall in earnest, egg sized hailstones hammering on the rooftops of the unnaturally quiet city. As the hailstorm passed, the grey clouds blew east on a brisk wind and a billowy white cloud shaped like a great eagle cast its shadow across the land.

Abārpānarś Karķbzīr and Kāthaanī, his daughter and only child, rode along the southern faces of the fir and larch covered moors of Forostar. They could afford to ride as fast as the wind, with seven Kariborim between them. Abār was afraid that word of their route had reached the King's Men. Abārpānarś was riding night-black Lōmi while Kāthaanī rode chestnut Izri, the youngest foal of Khibil and Kali, who with their other foals, Nitirś, Rūki, and Mani galloped close at hand.

Word had reached them before they left home, that the King's Men were looking for Abārpānarś as a traitor to the King. It was true enough, if being one of the Faithful amounted to betrayal. The Forostar, the least fertile of the Nśmenorean regions, was least populous, and Abārpānarś had deemed it the way that would give them most shelter from the eyes of the King's Men. The ground was stony, which would give greater difficulty to other horsemen, but not the sure-footed Kariborim.

Suddenly the land dropped and the air cooled, and they came among fertile fields of grain, which were the beginning of the Orrostar. They rounded a final hill and must stop of a sudden. They were faced by twenty horsemen.

"You may go no further, traitor!" called one man whose black helm rose taller than the others.

"Go back, Kāthaanī! Make haste!" Kāthaanī obeyed immediately, calling the barebacked Kariborim as she turned her mount and charged back around the hill. Khibil, Abārpānarś's usual mount, did not follow. Abārpānarś hollered and slapped Khibil's rump and sent him chasing after the others.

"Do not let them get away!" cried the leader of the King's Men.

"You have me! Let them go!" Abārpānarś bellowed. The ears of the horses of the King's Men laid back, such was the force of his voice. He took the eyes of their leader and held them. The two strove, and at last the leader gave way.

"We have our quarry."

Abārpānarś dismounted from Lōmi. "Go find Kāthaanī." Lōmi stood next to Abārpānarś, unmoving. He looked in Lōmi's deep brown eyes. "Go!" he whispered. She breathed on his neck, looking straight into his eyes. "They will do you harm!" She nickered. He sighed. "May I prove worthy of your love, dear one."

Kāthaanī paused on the far side of the hill. The clatter of hard hooves in the stones fell to silence all around her as five of the Kariborim joined Izri in the dell behind the hill. Five. Lōmi, then, had remained with her father; though whether she was kept by her own will or Abārpānarś’s, or by some design of his captors, Kāthaanī could not tell. Dismounting quickly from Izri, she left the horses and crept down through the brush and boulders to where she could see the road.

Cursing herself inwardly for her clumsiness, she stood behind a cluster of fir and looked out toward the place where her father had been taken. As she caught sight of the men gathered on the road below, Kāthaanī breathed a sigh of relief. She realized they were yet far enough away that her pitiful attempts at stealth would not have been heard, and cloaked in brown as she was, she judged herself unlikely to be seen. She watched as Abārpānarś’s hands were bound roughly behind him and Lōmi’s reins were tied to the saddle of one of the waiting horses. The riders remounted, and the column moved along the road. South, toward Armenelos. Kāthaanī watched, unmoving, until the horses disappeared into the plains.

Turning back to where she had left the Kariborim, Kāthaanī ran to them, tying her dark hair into a tighter knot on her neck and pinning her cloak more securely. She paused as she reached the horses, the tension in their bodies evident. She kissed Izri’s soft nose before turning to Nitirś, the swiftest among them. “You must bear me now, friend; and we will run more swiftly than ever we have run before.” Although she knew that she would never find help in time to rescue her father before they reached Arandor and the Royal City, there was nothing else for her to do.

Upon mounting, Kāthaanī headed down out of the foothills toward the road. Once they reached the open lands of Andustar she could take to the fields, but for now great speed required great risk and they ran on the open road. Nitirś’s feet struck sparks from the gravel as the dark haired girl and the iron grey horse flew toward Anduniė, the other five trailing behind them like so many leaves in the wind.
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