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Old 02-27-2005, 03:46 PM   #173
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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White Tree

samsmyhero's character

NAME: Adunaic: Azulan (means "from the east") ; Sindarin: Arkrision (horse brother); native language (some dialect of southern Westron): Tiru

AGE: 52 (he's not Numenorean, so these are 52 "regular human" years)

RACE: human, from Middle Earth (south of the River Harnen, in south Gondor near Harad) not Numenorean

GENDER: male

WEAPONS: Tiru carries a general utility knife for work purposes. The handle is wood, old and scratched in many places. The blade is about eight inches long, plain steel, notched in one place close to the haft. It has no sheath; he carries it thrust through his belt. No other weapons belong to him, but he knows how to use a bow, and on the rescue mission he will carry a bow borrowed from the family household.

APPEARANCE: Being originally from the southern regions of Middle Earth, on the coast west of Harad, he is of swarthy complexion. He is of average height for his own race, around 5'9", 5'10" , which appears quite tiny to the Numenoreans. His frame is wirey, rather than bulky, but he's very strong for his size, due to his lifetime of hard labor. He has dark eyes and generally squints, from being outside in the sun almost constantly. He did have thick, curly, dark hair at one time, which has now turned to a salt and pepper mix of black and grey, thinning at the crown, so he's starting to sport almost a monk's tonsure look. What is left grows out long and fairly unkempt, and this he pulls back carelessly into a messy ponytail of ragged curls, down to the middle of his back. He sports a neatly trimmed beard and mustache, mostly grey now, which for some unknown reason he takes great pride in, while he totally ignores the rats' nest on his head. He's missing one top front tooth which he lost brawling at some tavern. He has a mark tattooed on the inside of his right forearm showing him to have been a slave. His clothing is plain but clean, just a simple brown tunic of rough cloth, worn leather breeches, boots, and a black wool cloak and hood for the cold. He keeps his work knife and various other tools from time to time shoved into an old leather belt wrapped around his middle, which is exceedingly long as he inherited it from his master when it was too worn for Abar to want any longer.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: Tiru is generally a very quiet man. Most of the time you would never even know he's around. He learned long ago that horses prefer people who are quiet and calm, and, as he spends most of his time in their company, he has little need to talk at length or in a high volume. He's somewhat somber, a little melancholy at times. He never married and has no children and some say that a good wife and children tumbling around the hearth would have brought him more cheer. But actually, he's happy with his life, as long as he can take care of the Kariborim and Karibi, and be of service to the family. He can be stubborn at times. His size belies his great physical strength, and this has brought him into grief on more than one occasion. It seems bullies and big mouths in taverns can never leave him alone. Although peaceful by nature, when provoked enough he may become consumed by a terrible rage. All the anger at his abuse as a slave and what happened to his family and village will boil to the surface and overflow – woe betide his would-be persecutor then! He is fiercely loyal to Abar's family and any whom he knows to be their trusted friends, but silently hostile to most strangers in these perilous times.

HISTORY: Tiru was born in a small fishing village on the western coast of Middle Earth, somewhat south of the mouth of the River Harnen, a land at this time mostly a colony of Numenor. His family were of course fisherfolk and he lived a peaceful existence until the age of ten, when a Numenorean galleon swept down upon the village and in an instant took every man, woman, and child prisoner, to be taken north to the great fortress at Umbar to be sold as slaves.

He was separated from his parents and three younger siblings in the slave market and has no idea what happened to them. At that time, there was already starting to be a fairly brisk market for slaves to be sacrificed to Melkor, and this was most probably the fate of his younger siblings and possibly his mother. Tiru was taken to Numenor to work in the fields of a prosperous family, loyal to the king, that lived outside Andunie. He was called "Azulan" by his overseers, as were many of his fellow slaves, as it meant simply "from the east". Slaves were treated cruelly in Numenor, and Tiru was beaten, mistreated and starved.

When Tiru was about twelve, Abar happened to be paying a horse-related business visit to Tiru's owner. Abar was invited to accompany the owner on a hunt, and was shocked to discover when they had run their quarry to earth, that it was a young boy (Tiru). Tiru's owner laughed out loud when Abar tried to intercede on the boy's behalf, and was ready to set the dogs on Tiru to rip him to pieces. Abar persuaded the cruel owner otherwise with a purse full of gold pieces, enough to buy ten slaves, and enough to secure Tiru's freedom.

Abar took Tiru in to Andunie to register the formal papers declaring him a freed man at the town's municipal building. He told the boy he was free to go anywhere he chose; but that he was welcome to come back to Abar's farm and work there as a hired hand, which Tiru readily agreed to. Abar at first had him work in the household, where Inzillomi could keep an eye on him. She took him under her wing and they all quickly saw that he was a very bright kid and quick to learn. But Abar discovered that Tiru was fascinated with the horses. The boy had never been close to one and they cast a spell on him with their strength, speed and beauty. Abar asked if he would rather work in the stables than the house and Tiru leapt at the chance. He turned out to be a natural with horses; he understood them and they understood him. They turned out to be the new family to replace the one he had lost. Thus Abar came to call him "Arkision", horse-brother. Although "Azulan" was his official name according to his papers, and this was the name he would give in town or to strangers, the family always called him Tiru, out of respect for his origins.

From the beginning, Tiru had great respect for his master and mistress. He returned their kindness with a fierce loyalty. When their daughter was born, Tiru looked upon her as a cherished princess and she had him wrapped around her little finger from day one. If there were ever any times when Tiru did not obey Abar or Inzillomi, it was when Kathaani wanted his help in some innocent mischief which her parents would have frowned upon. When her father himself wasn't teaching Kathaani about the Kariborim, she could usually be found hovering at Tiru's elbow as he went about his work, asking incessant questions and soaking up knowledge like a little sponge. As she grew up, she naturally came to spend less time in his company, but there was always an unspoken affection between them, like uncle and niece.

Trusted implicitly by the family, he is aware of the pending flight of the Faithful to ME, and has been assured by both Abar and Inzillomi that there will be a place for him on a ship, hopefully the one carrying the Kariborim. Tiru has never had any contact with any Eldar, of course, but Abar has long ago explained and tutored Tiru regarding the Valar and Illuvatar, etc. Tiru in his heart doesn't believe in any gods because of what happened to his family. But outwardly, he pays respect as Abar has instructed him, because he doesn't really care as long as it pleases his master.

There is no question that Tiru would willingly and without hesitation lay down his life for Abar, Inzillomi, Kathaani, or the Kariborim.


samsmyhero's post

Tiru hummed softly as he came out of the stall. He had changed the old bedding for new and refilled the manger with fresh hay. The water trough outside the stable was full of water pulled from the well. All was taken care of. Not that there was any sense of urgency. His master and the little mistress were not due back for some days. Tiru closed his eyes for a brief moment, silently offering a prayer for the success of their venture. He smiled at his own absurdity; he didn't even believe in the gods, although his master had spent many hours instructing him. Well, he shrugged his shoulders, it couldn't hurt.

So much was riding on their journey, though. The very existence of the Kariborim was at stake. If Abārpānaru was not successful in getting the horses to Rómenna, if they missed the sailing for the east . . . No! Tiru shook his head vigorously. He would not even think such thoughts! Besides, there was still much to do before leaving for the harbor to meet Captain Azarmanō, who was arriving from Rómenna with supplies and news from Elendil. It was being said that the time for the departure for the east was coming upon them quickly.

Tiru stroked his beard thoughtfully. Even if his beloved six came safely to the ships, there were many others who would not be going. Tiru worried about these others, the Karibi. He knew there was no room for them on the ships. It was fortunate enough that his master and mistress had been able to secure a place for him, being only their servant. Still, the thought of leaving the Karibi almost broke his heart. He had already lost one family; and, now, to lose this one . . .

The horsemaster's thoughts were interrupted by the, as yet, distant sound of thundering hoofs. This sound was one so familiar to him that it was like unto his own heart beat. "The Kariborim!" he gasped. "What . . . how?" Tiru wasted no time, but flew himself, as fast as his legs could carry him, across the stable yard and down the broad path that led to the road. Even as the swirl of dust accompanying them grew larger, he could make out Kāthaanī, the little mistress, and Marsillion, her cousin, with five of the six steeds which had left Anduniė eight days ago. But he could tell at a glance that his master, Abārpānaru, and the mare Lōmi, were not with them.

Tiru's heart raced and his mind seethed. Disaster! Some sort of catastrophe had befallen his master and now . . . and now, what? He must calm himself and be prepared; the mistress and her daughter would surely need him, and he, at least, was reliable, unlike those so called gods!

Within moments, the two cousins had drawn up to him. Dirt and sweat covered Kāthaanī's face and her hair looked as if she had been in a high wind off the ocean. Marsillion looked shocked and angry. Breathlessly, Kāthaanī leaned over Nitirś's neck and in a rush, told Tiru what had occurred on the unlucky journey to Rómenna. Tiru's face belied little of the anguish that churned in his stomach. Captured by the King's Men! The very worst that could have happened! Poor Lōmi! She would be so upset and unhappy if strangers were to take her. And the master too, of course.

"What must we do, little mistress?" Tiru gasped, as Kāthaanī stopped to take a breath.

"This was the day appointed for Azarmanō's arrival was it not?" She rushed on, not waiting for a reply. "You must go to the harbor and meet him there as planned. But tell him of my father's plight. Ask Azarmanō to render what assistance he can – I'm sure we will need every man available to rescue him. Hurry back!" With that she and Marsillion were urging the horses forward once again, racing, Tiru was sure, to her mother, to let her know the grim tidings and alert the other Annanost.

Tiru ran back to the stables and quickly saddled up the grey mare he had waiting, already anticipating the trip to the harbor. Hoping that Azarmanō would be at the harbor, which, with sea voyages, arrivals were always an uncertainty, he went into the field beyond and caught up another mount for the Captain. He saddled her too, and was off down the road, just as Kāthaanī was at her mother's side, relating her sad news. With a brief moment of regret that he could not tend to the needs of the five Kariborim which had returned, Tiru focused on his task and set off for the harbor at a break neck speed.
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