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Old 03-25-2005, 08:39 AM   #221
Feanor of the Peredhil
La Belle Dame sans Merci
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Okay, first things first...

Sophia: I think you're right about Inzillomi needing to boot people out. Now that I have a feel for each person's depiction of his/her own character, I think I can post them [well] into the final decision. As for Kathaani... Inzillomi could, in effect, be the one to finally give in, being that she knows just as well as Kath the pain of losing Abarpa. She could end up thinking along the lines of "there's no way that I can go, but Kathaani could go in my place." However, I'd almost rather like Tiru to do it. He knows her abilities and her passion as well as anyone, and it would be a nice show of his "other" side. He's the stableman, yes, but he's also considered family by... the family.

And second things second...

Since I have three lovely days off from the part of life that is school, I plan on writing the post today. However, and this is the big part: I just found out today that I will be unable to access the internet from home for an unknown period of time. Not horrifically long, and I'll be able to use school computers, but this *sob* will drastically limit the amount of time I spend here. So if I don't get a post up today, you'll see it Monday afternoon, 3:30ish. Sorry for the short notice, but I just got told myself. *sniff*


**EDIT**: Change of plans. Apparently my internet is NOT being taken away, which is good. I've posted, and now everybody is officially out of my house *grin*. 'Cept Inzi, Ziraphel, and random other occupants that the King's Men will come for "tomorrow" morning. Tell me if you want anything changed.

Last edited by Feanor of the Peredhil; 03-26-2005 at 05:08 PM. Reason: change in status
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