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Old 04-19-2005, 08:29 AM   #91
Psyche of Prince Immortal
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Join Date: Feb 2003
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Gil-Galad has been trapped in the Barrow!
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Name (that you go by):Gil-Galad, Glen, The Glenster, Glennard(perferred) GlenGlen, Vilad, Professor Tor Coolguy and many more
Future Aspirations:vivid love of history...hope to travel europe
Goal in life:be successful
Short term goals:get 80 average in school
Passion:history, books, lego
Hobbies:games i guess...
Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself):

Fave book:LOTR, history books
Fave movie:Spaceballs and Monty Python and the search for the Holy Grail
Fave sport:Hockey
Fave store:
Fave music:U2(once and awhile0

What you can't stand:teachers that don't care
What you plain dislike: people who shut you down trying to make themselves look better
Who you admire:nobody really comes too mind...
What you most love to do:make people laugh(on and off the downs)
Your self-confessed flaws:i care too much
What intrigues/fascinates you:
What scares you:nothing cause i am the mighting Gil-Galadster!hey another name to go by!
Quotation to live by: "One day a man has everything, the next day he blows up a 400-billion dollar space station, and the next day nothing, it makes you think"

Additional comments: a personal thanks to all downers, this is quite literally like my second home...


G.G.Meister(another name!)
Love doesn't blow up and get killed.
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