For the main rules, see BW’s first post on this thread. Those rules will apply unless superseded by anything said in this post.
Three new roles are being introduced for this game:
Cursed Villager: The Cursed Villager does not know that he/she is cursed. If the Cursed Villager is killed by Werewolves, the moderator will announce that nobody was killed. The Cursed Villager then becomes a Werewolf and is introduced to his/her new team mates. Note: whether the Cursed Villager is part of the winning team or not depends upon his/her status at the end of the game.
The Werewolf
Hunter: The Hunter will be notified of his/her role at the beginning of the game. If the Hunter is killed by a Werewolf or hanged by Villagers, he/she names one other player before being killed. That player is then automatically killed.
Guardian: Again, the Guardian will be notified of his/her role at the beginning of the game. Each night, the Guardian names another player. If that player is the Werewolf victim, the victim survives and there is no death that night. The Guardian does not see who the Werewolf or Werewolves is/are.
So, the Village at the beginning of the game will consist of:
3 Werewolves
1 Seer
1 Cursed Villager
1 Hunter
1 Guardian
The remainder will be ordinary Villagers.
I will select the roles randomly.
As mentioned previously, once a vote for a Villager to be lynched has been cast, it may not be retracted. Please use the voting conventions requested by the Barrow-Wight in the previous game, ie:
(although it is not obligatory that you vote for the Barrow-Wight.

In order to enhance the role-play aspects of the game, I would invite every Player to assume the role of a member of the Village community, eg Blacksmith, Farmer, Merchant, Shepherd etc. Please ensure that your role is suitable for a Medaeval/Middle-earth style village. No Astrophysicists or Brain Surgeons please! These “open” roles will not be relevant to players’ secret roles in any way (so being a Butcher does not necessarily point to being a Werewolf). Their sole purpose is to encourage role play by providing players with a “role” to play in the daytime discussions. Feel free to post your chosen “open” role here before the first DAY begins.
Also, feel free to incorporate within your discussions evidence concerning things that you may have seen, heard or done in the village which may be relevant to your deliberations. Those to whom such evidence relates can admit it, deny it or try to offer alternative explanations. The point here is to try and catch out someone by highlighting inconsistencies in their stories. In other words, the discussions should not focus solely on the way that people have voted or tried to plead their innocence in the past. However, no evidence should be put forward which clearly incriminates another player. So, no “I saw Kuruharan change into a Werewolf and murder the phantom last night” please.
Consistent with giving the game more of a “role-play” feel, please do not refer to matters or events outside the game. So no references to it being a “game”. While posting on the game thread, you are a Villager in your chosen “open” role, not a Barrow-Downer. You can talk about friendships, enmities and the like with other Villagers and the personalities of the other Villagers, but they need not necessarily coincide with Barrow-Downs friendships and personalities. And, please, no references to PMs. I would recommend that everyone playing switch to “invisible” mode, so that PM activity cannot be seen. If you do not do so and someone else decides to vote for you because of that (without saying as much, of course), that’s your own fault.
Recurring breaches of these rules may result in an untimely death for the culprit …
Finally, the timing. Each DAY and each NIGHT will last a maximum of 24 hours, but may end earlier, as follows:
DAY will end when a sufficient number of votes have been cast to condemn one Villager. If a clear majority has not been reached within 24 hours of DAY starting, then the person with the most votes at the 24 hour point will be lynched. In the event of a tie, all Villagers tied on the highest number of votes will be lynched.
NIGHT will end when all the night-time activities (Werewolf victim, Seer dream and Guardian’s protected Villager) have been notified by PM to me. If a night-time activity is not notified to me within 24 hours of NIGHT starting, then that activity will not take place that night.
During the DAY, no one should post once either a clear majority has been reached or the 24 hours are up. I will aim to post as soon as the relevant conditions for the end of DAY or NIGHT (as the case may be) have been met. I cannot guarantee to do so straight away though, so please bear with me. As soon as I have posted, the next DAY/NIGHT will start. I will provide the time on which the maximum period for that DAY/NIGHT will end in GMT. Eg:
The first DAY has now started. It will end in 24 hours time (9PM GMT tomorrow), or earlier if a clear majority on voting is reached before then.
OK, we’re more or less ready to start. The game will start at 11PM GMT this evening. That will be the cut-off time for new players, and I will assign roles and send out PMs providing people with their roles. I will then start the new thread and the first NIGHT will commence (probably around 1AM GMT tomorrow).
Everyone clear?