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Old 05-22-2005, 04:30 AM   #2
The Saucepan Man
Corpus Cacophonous
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The Saucepan Man has been trapped in the Barrow!
The Eye Finger lickin' good ...

The village awoke. All had overslept, for strangely no rooster call had greeted the morning.

The villagers convened in The Phantom Inn for breakfast, fearful that the night had brought yet more slaughter in the fields. Yet it seemed that neither sheep nor cattle had been harmed that night and, as they talked, it became apparent that not one of them had heard the dreadful howls of the previous nights. Some ventured to suggest that perhaps the wolfish fiends that had been besetting the village had moved on. Yet there was one who was not present. And, as the morning wore on and she did not appear, the villagers decided to pay her a visit to check on her.

As they approached her small house, they were immediately aware that something was not quite right. It seemed quiet. Too quiet. The usual sound of clucking and crowing was noticeably absent. Looking into the henhouse, the villagers saw that it was empty. Perhaps Oddwen had decided to kill her flock in preparation for a feast to celebrate the end of the village’s wolfish woes.

But, on entering her house, they were confronted with a terrible sight. A large pile of feathers mixed (worryingly) with human hair lay on the table. Oddwen’s entire stock of chickens had been slaughtered, plucked and hung from the ceiling. But it was not that which drew the villagers’ attention. At the end of the row of chickens there hung another figure, much larger than the rest. Suspended by her legs, her head lolling at an improbable angle, there hung Oddwen. Her neck had been broken and all the hair had been plucked from her head. She had been plucked and trussed like a chicken, as if ready for some dreadful feast …

Feanor of the Peredhil
Eomer of the Rohirrim
The Barrow-Wight
the phantom
Fordim Hedgethistle
dancing spawn of ungoliant
Son of Númenor

Oddwen (Villager) - slaughtered, plucked and trussed like a chicken on Night 1

Werewolves: 3
Villagers: 9

DAY 1 has now started. It will end in 24 hours’ time (11.30AM GMT tomorrow), or earlier if a clear majority on voting is reached before then.
Do you mind? I'm busy doing the fishstick. It's a very delicate state of mind!
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