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Old 09-05-2005, 06:45 AM   #49
Illusionary Holbytla
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 7,547
Firefoot has been trapped in the Barrow!
Still, cool mornings, when the sun is just peaking over the horizon and the birds are singing and the sky is blue, and you feel like you're the only person awake in the world.
The same when you're with your dog.
Beautiful autumn colors and fall leaves. Sugar maples.
Long walks under the same.
The month of October.
Beautiful blue skies... especially in October.
Running barefoot over cool grass, especially in the early morning or under the stars.
Still mountain lakes.
Hiking trails and pine trees and clear, pine-scented air.
Rock climbing in the Black Hills with my cousins.
Eagles, horses, dolphins, wolves, cheetahs, and all other manner of magnificent and beautiful creatures.
Sitting out on the front step and watching thunderstorms.
The type of rainstorms that roll in and roll out just that fast and leave the world fresh and new.
Log houses.
Good books.
Good puzzles.
Time to enjoy said books and puzzles.
Peace and contentment.
Faith, hope, and love.
Beauty and wonder.
Singing just for the joy of it.

Everyone should have to do this once in a while... it's very much a healthy relaxant.
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