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Old 11-06-2005, 07:51 AM   #49
the guy who be short
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the guy who be short has just left Hobbiton.

Originally Posted by Kath
Wow, I complain a lot!

Things I have sent to Mordor:
People using incorrect Jamesian English.
People who can't use capslock.
My thirteen year old self.
Users of non standard words.
American spelling.
Food poisoning.
Prolonged conjunctivitis.
Early birdsong.
All language.
Lack of published Quenya.
Political correctness.
Off topic posts.
Misleading names, like Jellyfish.
Excess phlegm.
When you like a thread but can't think of anything to say.
Ridiculous conspiracy theories / theorists.
Teachers who fail to make maths engaging.
Balrog wingers.
Elastic bands in braces, particularly when accidentally ingested.
Films that radically alter the storyline of the book they're based on.
Finding a whole chick pea lurking in your braces 6 hours after your last meal.
The local press.
Parents between children's adolescence and when we start liking them again.
Eomer of the Rohirrim.
Sweat patches.
The backspace button.
People who don't understand introverts.
Extroverts who try to engage in conversation when I'm not in the mood.
Being shy around people I know I'll get on well with, once I know them better.
Not having time to respond to PMs.
The time consuming nature of Sixth Form.
Fossil fuels.
The pervasive media.
People who drop pronouns.
Sudden returns to school.
People who blame bureaucracy and political correctness.
Confusing spellings, such as the -ent and -ant suffixes.
No free periods on a Monday.
Discrimination against the stupid.
The system that allows less intelligent people into positions of authority.
Not having a feudal society based on intellect with the phantom as our leader.
Computers that keep breaking down.
Guy Fawkes Day and the lack of decent British festivals.
The phrase "red tape."
David Cameron.

Things I have been sent to Mordor for:
I enjoy algebra.
I like allegory. Well, some.
I like liquorice.
British spelling is true spelling.
I use dangling prepositions.
I speak English.
I'm about to join a fan fiction game.
I like exams. Honest.
I like fish. Well, depends on the type and if it's already cooked, but generally.
I like geometry. Maths is fun, people. Accept it.
Ich spreche nur ein bische Deutsch. If you ignore grammar rules, that is.
I'm not opposed to nanny states.
I am in many aspects an ignorant fool.
I love maths. And yes, that's an "s" you see there.
I'm not sure on the use of "myself."
I am. Human, that is.
I use language.
Verily, I enjoy non standard words.
I worry about offending others.
I would actually like to be a politician, much as I detest them. I'd be honest and represent the people and... ah, screw it.
I am a raccoon. Well, I'd like to be, just for a day or so.
Same with squirrels.
I am, on occasion, utterly stupid. Depends on what's being discussed.

I'm in the process of naming my character. I have a basic history circulating in my head, but post to come later - I still need to become acquainted with the delightful Green Dragon.

Last edited by the guy who be short; 11-06-2005 at 01:03 PM.
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