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Old 01-17-2006, 09:36 AM   #65
Byronic Brand
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Originally Posted by davem
For those who haven't seen the movie yet:

Just thought you should all be aware of what you're letting yourself in for if you go & see this dangerous movie
Interesting to compare with ranting of this type (and with the more serious and widely accepted persecution of the Harry Potter series) is this comment about the Morte D'Arthur of Malory by the Puritan preacher Nathaniel Baxter (c.1550-1635)-

"This prophane and frivolous book...details the horrible acts of those whoremasters, Lancelot du Lake, Tristram de Lionesse, Gareth of Orkney, Merlin, the lady of the Lake, with the vile and stinking story of the Sangreal..."

Particularly remarkable is the description of the Lady of the Lake as a "whoremaster", and of the Grail Quest story, a pious, spiritual tale elaborated by Church propagandists, as "vile and stinking."

It seems people like Nathaniel Baxter and Pastor I'm-A-Former-Witch-And-Books-Are-The-Work-Of-Satan have always existed. The same emotions shine through-violently suppressed interest in the works they condemn, prurience, and lack of any understanding or knowledge of their target texts whatsoever...
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